
Microsoft® Project 2010 Step by Step

Errata for Microsoft® Project 2010 Step by Step

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
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Page 216
Blue text on the screenshot


"These two assignments make up the 9 hours to work scheduled for Monday."


"These two assignments make up the 9 hours of work scheduled for Monday."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please change the callout text for the image on page 216. The "to work" should be "of work".

"These two assignments make up the 9 hours of work scheduled for Monday."

Amish Joshi  Sep 18, 2013  Sep 27, 2013
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Page 205
Step 9, line 2

On the 2nd line of Step 9 "to Carole's Poland's row so that the task start date is Tuesday, August 7." should read "Carole Poland's row so that the task start date is Tuesday, August 7."

Note from the Author or Editor:
In step 9 change:
"Carole?s Poland?s"

"Carole Poland?s"

Amish Joshi  Sep 17, 2013  Sep 27, 2013
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Page 411
step 5

It says "click the Finish field.
Project fills in the same value in the Finish Date field."
When I clicked the Finish field, it did not fill in the same value, it left it as today's date.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Change the following:

"5. Click in the Start field and type or select 8/13/12, and then click the Finish field.
Project fills in the same value in the Finish Date field."

"5.Click in the Start field and type or select 8/13/12, and then click the Finish field and type or select 8/13/12.

Note that if the date you're entering in the Start field is in the future, then the same date will appear in the Finish field."

The words Start and Finish should be bold and 8/13/12 formatted blue as user entered text.

William Downie  Jul 17, 2013  Sep 27, 2013
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Page 40
after the screenshot and before the existing paragraph under step 10.

Add the following paragraph, this statement was originally on page 44.:

"Notice that Project replaced the text value in the start date field of task 8 with a scheduled date, and supplied a one-day duration. Project did so because it requires a date value for the task once it was linked to another task. The question mark following the duration value indicates that this is an estimated duration; it has no effect on the scheduling of the task"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 30, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 44
After the screensot in step 6.

Remove the following paragraph, it will be moved to the appropriate spot earlier in the chapter.

"Notice that Project supplied a one-day duration for task 8, which previously had a text note for its duration. Project did so because it requires a numeric time value for every automatically scheduled task?s duration value. The question mark following the duration value indicates that this is an estimated duration; it has no effect on the scheduling of the task."

Timothy Johnson
Jun 30, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 206
The sentence just above step 12.

To conclude this exercise, you?ll address some of the resource overallocation problems that are visible in the Timeline view.

To conclude this exercise, you?ll address some of the resource overallocation problems that are visible in the timescale side of the Team Planner view.

Timothy Johnson
Jun 30, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 214
The sentence just above step 8.

"Next, you will look at two work resources and their allocations."

"Next, you will look at a work resource and her allocations."

Timothy Johnson
Jun 30, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 386
The last three paragraphs in the sidebar

"When running Project 2010, you may find you need to share project plans with users of previous versions of Project. There are a few ways of doing this.

The simplest strategy is to save in Microsoft Project 2000?2003 format or Microsoft Project 2007 format (these are both file formats listed in the ?Save as type? box in the Save As dialog box). However, some data relating to new features in Project 2010 will be changed or discarded when saved. Manually scheduled tasks, for example, will be converted to automatically scheduled tasks.

Another strategy is to try to open a Project 2010 file in an earlier version of Project. Because the Project 2010 file format differs from that of all earlier versions of Project, you cannot open 2010 files in Project 2007 without first downloading a file converter from the Web site. If a Project 2007 user tries to open a 2010 file, Project will prompt them to download the converter. Even when using the converter, new features introduced in Project 2010, such as manually scheduled tasks, are not supported in earlier versions of the software."

Replace with:
When running Project 2010, you might find you need to share project plans with users of previous versions of Project. One strategy is to save in Microsoft Project 2000?2003 format or Microsoft Project 2007 format (these are both file formats listed in the ?Save as type? box in the Save As dialog box). However, some data relating to new features in Project 2010 will be changed or discarded when saved in the older format . Manually scheduled tasks, for example, will be converted to automatically scheduled tasks.

To learn more about file formats and Project versions, click the Help button (which looks like a question mark) in the upper-right corner of the Project window, and in the Help Search box, type Supported file formats."

Timothy Johnson
Jun 30, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 40
The tip above the screenshot in step 10.

"Tip: To select tasks that are not adjacent, select the first task, hold down the Ctrl key,and then select the second task."

"Tip: Tasks 6 through 8 are adjacent to each other. To select tasks that are not adjacent, select the first task, hold down the Ctrl key, and then select additional tasks."

Timothy Johnson
Jun 30, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 362
The second bullet in the "Customizing the Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar" section

"Customize an existing ribbon or create a new ribbon that includes any commands that you want."

"Customize an existing tab on the ribbon or create a new tab that includes any commands that you want."

Timothy Johnson
Jun 25, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 347
in the first bullet

"by copying the custom view"

"by copying the custom calendar"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 25, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 290
In the paragraph above step 1

"In this exercise, you use different views, tables, and sorting to see resource cost variance."

"In this exercise, you use different tables and sorting options to see resource cost variance."

Timothy Johnson
Jun 25, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 259
Second sentence in the first paragraph under the bulleted list

"Editorial phase"

"Acquisition phase"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 25, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 207
Second paragraph under the top image

"Interior illustration and design"

"Interior illustration design"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 25, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 170
In the first sentence in the first bullet.

Default Start Time value entered on the Calendar tab (on the Tools menu, click Options); in this project, that value is 8 A.M.

"plan's default start time. (Click File, click Options, and then click Schedule.) In this project, that value is 8 A.M."

Timothy Johnson
Jun 25, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 165
Second sentence in the paragraph under image

"pre-production phase moves"

"Acquisition phase moves"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 24, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 31
Last sentence in the first paragraph.

"Options dialog box"

"Project Options dialog box"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 24, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 288
First sentence in the second paragraph

"Project Information dialog box"

"Project Statistics dialog box"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 24, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 267
first sentence in the first paragraph under the bulleted list

"three resources"

"two resources"

Timothy Johnson
Jun 24, 2013  Jul 03, 2013
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Page 96
Second paragraph, first sentence.

Remove the word ?Custom? as it's not necessary in this case.

??and milestones in the chart portion of the Custom Gantt Chart view.?

??and milestones in the chart portion of the Gantt Chart view.?

Timothy Johnson
Oct 31, 2012  Nov 09, 2012
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Page 172
In the Tip.

Replace Tip text as shown:

TIP To learn more about managing a critical path, type critical path into the Search box in the upper-right corner of the Project window. The Search box initially contains the text ?Type a question for help.?

TIP To learn more about managing a critical path, click the Help button (which looks like a question mark) in the upper-right corner of the Project window, and in the Help Search box, type critical path.

Timothy Johnson
Oct 28, 2012  Nov 09, 2012
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Page 152
The last sentence in the fourth bullet.

Correct the date value as shown:

For example, if you want to schedule a task to start at 10 A.M. on July 12, enter 7/12/1/2 10AM in the Start field.

For example, if you want to schedule a task to start at 10 A.M. on July 12, enter 7/12/12 10AM in the Start field.

Timothy Johnson
Oct 28, 2012  Nov 09, 2012
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Page 68
In the second sentence, in the second paragraph.

Delete the word "Task" as shown:

In Chapter 2, you entered a task note via the Task Notes button on the Task tab of the Properties group.

In Chapter 2, you entered a task note via the Notes button on the Task tab of the Properties group.

Timothy Johnson
Oct 28, 2012  Nov 09, 2012
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Page 51
Step 2

Delete the word "Task" as shown:

2. On the Task tab, in the Properties group, click Task Notes.

2. On the Task tab, in the Properties group, click Notes.

Timothy Johnson
Oct 28, 2012  Nov 09, 2012
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Page 391
2nd paragraph

On page 391, the second sentence in the second paragraph under the heading "Guided Tour: Synchronizing..."

" can then use the full range of scheduling features in Project.."

Change to
" can then use scheduling features in Project..."

Adam Zaremba  Feb 02, 2012  Feb 03, 2012
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Page 41
2nd graphic

The second graphic illustration is incorrect compared to the resulting action taken in Project 2010.
The illustration should show the result of dragging the Gantt bar for task1 to task5 with a result of finish to start relationship. The image shows the resulting line at the finish of task1 and the start of task5.
The action in Project 2010 results in an arrow from the end of task1 to the end of task5 still labeling it as finish to start.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Step 11 on page 40 and the following paragraph on page 41.

11. In the chart portion of the Gantt Chart view, point the mouse pointer at the Gantt bar for task 1, Planning Phase, and then click and drag to the Gantt bar for task 5, Public Launch Phase.

When the mouse pointer is over task 5, note the link line and icon that appear. Release the mouse pointer.

11. In the chart portion of the Gantt Chart view, point the mouse pointer at the Gantt bar for task 1, Planning Phase. Click and drag down and to the right to the Gantt bar for task 5, Public Launch Phase, and release the mouse over the task 5 bar.

Remove the following paragraph on the top of page 41:
"When the mouse pointer is over task 5, note the link line and icon that appear, release the mouse pointer."

Tom Laciano  Dec 22, 2011  Nov 09, 2012
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Page 395
First paragraph on page

After additional rounds of fine-tuning the plan and synchronizing between Project and SharePoint, Hany converts that task list in Project to be scheduled automatically and makes other adjustments, like setting lead times, that are not supported by SharePoint.

After additional rounds of fine-tuning the plan and synchronizing between Project and SharePoint, Hany makes schedule adjustments in Project that are not supported by SharePoint, such as setting lead times.

Anonymous  Aug 04, 2011  Oct 07, 2011
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Page 394
Second paragraph in #8

The latest task list appears in Project. These remain manually scheduled tasks.

The latest task list appears in Project.

Anonymous  Aug 04, 2011  Oct 07, 2011
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Page 391
Second paragraph after "Guided Tour: Synchronizing Task Lists Between Project and SharePoint (Project Professional only)"

In both cases, the tasks in SharePoint behave like manually scheduled tasks; you can enter a start date and deadline for the tasks, but no active scheduling occurs. When a SharePoint task list is then synchronized with Project, the resulting tasks in Project are manually scheduled tasks. In Project, you can convert them to automatic scheduling and perform whatever task scheduling activities you wish, such as linking tasks, changing durations, and so on. However when you then synchronize from Project to SharePoint, the tasks in Project are converted back to manually scheduled tasks.

In a Project Tasks list in SharePoint the tasks behave like manually scheduled tasks; you can track progress on a task or add new tasks, but no active scheduling occurs. When the SharePoint task list is synchronized with Project, you can then use the full range of scheduling features in Project, such as linking tasks, changing durations, and so on.

Anonymous  Aug 04, 2011  Oct 07, 2011
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Page 215
Between third and fourth paragraphs in #9

Please add the following "Important" note between the current paragraphs that begin with "Notice that..." and "As you can see..."

"Important If you do not see any overallocated resources, verify in the Resource Leveling dialog box that Day by Day and Manual are selected (on the Resource tab, in the Level group, click the Leveling Options dialog box). If you still don't see overallocated resources, reopen the Advance Plan_Start practice file."

Anonymous  Aug 04, 2011  Oct 07, 2011
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Page xiii
In the Acknowledgments first paragraph

Current: From Carl: merci Rebecca, Alden, Mona and Lathan.
Change to: From Carl: merci big brothers Butch and George.

Anonymous  Aug 04, 2011  Oct 07, 2011
Page xxix
3rd paragrpah

The URL given for the book's errata page is easy to misread. The capital letter 'I' which appears after the 'k' in the word 'LinkId' is easy to mistake for a lowercase 'L'.





Microsoft Press  Oct 17, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page xxvii
1st paragraph

The URL given for the practice files is easy to misread. The capital letter 'I' which appears after the 'k' in the word 'LinkId' is easy to mistake for a lowercase 'L'.




Microsoft Press  Oct 17, 2010  Mar 01, 2011