
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Step by Step

Errata for Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Step by Step

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Printed, PDF,
Page 207
United States

Step 27: The Solver Results are wrong in the book. What is the correct results. I have used Step by Step in Excel 2007, after correcting the three mistakes (changing the three entries with equal signs to >=) and I get the same answer as in Excel 2010. Could you respond back with the correct results, so everyone knows? I want to make sure my results are correct.

I know it is not because of the Ignore Integer Constraints box, because it is unchecked.

I believe the results should be as follows:
Cell E5, 20; Cell F5 $600,000.00; and Cell G5 2,000,000
Cell E8 13; Cell F8 $1,040,000.00; and cell G8 2,600,000

Note from the Author or Editor:
The values you suggested are correct. I'll try to scare up a copy of Excel 2010 and take a replacement screen shot.

Thanks for helping us make the book better!

Anonymous  Oct 14, 2013 
Printed, PDF, ePub, Mobi, , Other Digital Version
Page 133
Procedure Step 2

Step 2 of the procedure contains the following text on Safari:

2. In cell J32, enter the formula...

and the following text in the printed book:

2. In cell J3, enter the formula...

The correct cell reference should be J2, so edit the text to read:

2. In cell J2, enter the formula...



Curtis Frye
Curtis Frye
Sep 16, 2013 
Page 437

The URL given for downloading the eBoook has typo.

The capital letters 'FWL' which appear after the '.com/' should be in lowercase.





Note from the Author or Editor:
This is an error. Please have the editorial team update the URL to the correct one, which might be different from the original in the book.

Patricia  Mar 07, 2012  Jul 20, 2012
Page 133
3rd paragraph

The description of the exercise states: ?In this exercise, you?ll ? create an AGGREGATE formula to summarize the visible cells in a filtered worksheet ??. However, the exercise does not apply the formula to a filtered worksheet, but an unfiltered worksheet, diminishing the demonstration of the formula.

Also, by placing this function even with the first row of data (cell J3), you are violating your own important tip on page 130 to place your SUBTOTAL (or in this case AGGREGATE) even with or above headers. When I attempted to apply a filter (to demonstrate the AGGREGATE function), this cell was hidden!

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader filters the worksheet later in the exercise (steps 3-5), so the value of the AGGREGATE function does change. The second note, that the formula result is obscured by the filter, is absolutely correct. I'll have to change the sample file so the Summary heading is in cell J1 and the formula is typed into cell J2. I'll need to take a new screen shot for the reprint.

The images on pages 134 and 135 were replaced to reflect this change.

Also on page 133, we made the following changes:

In step 2, change the reference to cell J3 to cell J2.

In the result step following step 2, change the reference to cell J3 to cell J2.

Jess Rose  Aug 25, 2011  Sep 09, 2011
Page 74
Numbered paragraph 4

At the end of the numbered paragraph 4 after the closing parenthesis in the formula, insert the following:

, and press Enter.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Yes, we should make the suggested correction.

Anonymous  Jul 15, 2011  Sep 09, 2011
Page 339
Text of Step 12's result step

Delete the words "and then removes the highlight from cells C3:C9." The sentence should read "Excel formats the cells' contents in bold."

Curtis Frye
Curtis Frye
Mar 16, 2011  Sep 09, 2011
Page 239
Text of Step 1

The reference to Sheet2 should instead be to the worksheet named PivotTable.

Curtis Frye
Curtis Frye
Mar 16, 2011  Sep 09, 2011
Page 189
First line of second paragraph

The word "orksheets" should be "worksheets".

Curtis Frye
Curtis Frye
Mar 16, 2011  Sep 09, 2011
Page 79
Last line of text

The cell reference to D1 should be to D21.

Curtis Frye
Curtis Frye
Mar 16, 2011  Sep 09, 2011
Page xxxvii
2nd paragraph

The URL given for the book's errata page is easy to misread. The capital letter 'I' which appears after the 'k' in the word 'LinkId' is easy to mistake for a lowercase 'L'.





Note from the Author or Editor:

Error corrected. Will be fixed in next printing.

Microsoft Press  Oct 17, 2010  Sep 09, 2011
Page xxxiii
1st paragraph

The URL given for the practice files is easy to misread. The capital letter 'I' which appears after the 'k' in the word 'LinkId' is easy to mistake for a lowercase 'L'.




Note from the Author or Editor:

Error corrected. Will be fixed in next printing.

Microsoft Press  Oct 17, 2010  Sep 09, 2011
Page 206
Step 27

When you click "Solve" the Solution does not recognize the "integer" constraint on Cell E8. Cell E8 comes up as 13.25 and cell E5 comes up as "20". These values do not match what is in the book on page 207 (which shows 14 and 18 respectively). It is my understanding that "integer constraints" are quite demanding, but the results I get appeared right away (calc time not a factor).

So please advise.

Note from the Author or Editor:
In Excel 2010, the Ignore Integer Constraints option is turned on by default. To turn the option off, in the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options. On the All Methods page of the dialog box, uncheck the Ignore Integer Constraints box and click OK.

We can add a note using the text above on page 205 below step 8 and delete the image near the top of page 206 to make room for it.

Anonymous  Oct 15, 2010  Sep 09, 2011