
Microsoft® Visual C#® 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!

Errata for Microsoft® Visual C#® 2005 Express Edition: Build a Program Now!

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 43

Semicolon and parenthesis missing from the code sample
On page 43, the 17th line of the code sample reads:

MessageBox.Show("The sum of " + number1.ToString() + " and " + number2.ToString() + " is " + sumIt should read:

MessageBox.Show("The sum of " + number1.ToString() + " and " + number2.ToString() + " is " + sum);

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 54-55

Incorrect URL for MSDN tutorials
On pages 54 and 55, the URL provided in the blue Important box at the top of the page of 54 and in the Links to More Information box on page 55 is incorrect.

The correct URL is:

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 65

Incorrect description of for loop output
On page 65, the second sentence of step 4 reads:

"In the second text box, you should see the numbers 1 through 10 separated by commas."

It should read:

"In the second text box, you should see the numbers 0 through 10 separated by commas."

On page 65, the first sentence of step 8 reads:

"Now build and execute by hitting F5 and when you click the button you should see the suite of 1 to 9 and then 10 to 1 in textBox2."

It should read:

"Now build and execute by hitting F5 and when you click the button you should see the suite of 0 to 9 and then 10 to 1 in textBox2."

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 106

Missing value in table
On page 106, the Value field in the tslblAddress row of the table is blank.

It should read:


Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 107

Missing argument in NavigateToUrl function declaration
On page 107, the tenth line of the first code sample reads:

private void NavigateToUrl()It should read:

private void NavigateToUrl(string Url)

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page 131

Incorrect Column Names listed in Table 8-3
On page 131, the first two rows of Table 8-3 read:

"OrderID (PK) (FK) integer Not Null

LineDetailID (PK) integer Not Null"

They should read:

"OrderDetailID (PK) integer Not Null

OrderID (FK) integer Not Null"

Microsoft Press  Jul 13, 2010 
Page vi

Incorrect URL for code samples On page vi the url for the code samples is incorrect. The correct url is:

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 51

Location specified as X rather than Y On page 51, in the 8th row of Table 4-3, the value of Property currently reads: "Location:X" It should read: "Location:Y"

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 57

Reference to chapter 5 instead of chapter 6 On page 57, the first sentence reads: "In Chapter 4, you started building your own Web browser, and in Chapter 5 you'll add to its capabilities." It should read: "In Chapter 4, you started building your own Web browser, and in Chapter 6 you'll add to its capabilities."

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 83

ForeColor not specified for lblVersion in the table On page 83, the 14th row of the table reads: "lblCopyright | Label | ForeColor | Web:White" It should read: "lblVersion | Label | ForeColor | Web:White"

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 107

"=" used in place of "==" On page 107, the sixth line of the first code sample reads: if (e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter)It should read: if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 125

Missing semi-colon in step 3 of the TO USE THE IMMEDIATE WINDOW section On page 125, step 3 of the TO USE THE IMMEDIATE WINDOW section reads: "Type the following line and press Enter: int i = 5" It should read: "Type the following line and press Enter: int i = 5;"

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010 
Page 200

Missing parentheses in code sample On Page 200, line 17 of the code sample reads: if (!(zipNumber > 999) && (zipNumber It should read: if (!((zipNumber > 999) && (zipNumber Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections.The print number of the book is located on the copyright page in the form of a string of numbers. For example: "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 QWT 9 8 76 5 4". The first number in the string is the the print number. In this example, the print number is 2.

Microsoft Press  May 06, 2010