
QuickBooks 2010: The Missing Manual

Errata for QuickBooks 2010: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 440

disregard the previous errata on this. It isn't that the figures are swapped. Figure 17-8 and 17-10 are identical. THe figure in 17-8 should show a cash flow report and doesn't.

Bonnie Biafore
Bonnie Biafore
Aug 28, 2010 
Page 440
figure 17-8

the screenshots for figures 17-8 and 17=9 are swapped. The screenshot in 17-8 should be the one in 17-9, and the one in 17-9 should be in 17-8.

Bonnie Biafore
Bonnie Biafore
Aug 28, 2010 
Page 391
tip on page

the tip refers reader to step 5 boave but it is step 5 in the next section. It should say step 5 on page 392

Bonnie Biafore
Bonnie Biafore
Aug 26, 2010 
Page 37
Frequently Asked questions box

Doing opening balances right box says in the 6th paragraph (last paragraph) that "You can download a QuickBooks company file that includes an opeing balance general journal entry from www."

However, when you go to the site, it is difficult to find the specific link to use to download the file. It should be in the chapter 3 section for setting up the chart of accounts, but none of the links there indicate that a template will be provided that will have a general journal entry to show the company's opening balances for its accounts (from its trial balance).

This is really critical, because nowhere in the book does it show an example of how to set up the journal entry to transfer over an existing business opening balances.

Note from the Author or Editor:
THere should be a link for the missing CD that links to the file OpeningBal JournalEntry.QBF. The missing CD pages for all the versions of my book seem to only have hyperlinks - not links to download the sample files I provide. I am sending the file to the person who submitted the erratum but we need to fix this for all the book versions!

Anonymous  Apr 26, 2010 
Page 58
4th paragraph

"If you use account numbers and want to see only the lowest-level subaccount in Account fields, turn on the "Show lowest subaccount only" checkbox (page 558).

I did not find this information on page 558.

Note from the Author or Editor:
should be page 550

Jordan Merritt  Mar 05, 2010 
Page 241
first paragraph in Paying with Cash

the page xref for petty cash is listed as page 214 but it is supposed to point to page 414

Bonnie Biafore
Bonnie Biafore
Jan 02, 2010 
Page 231
Last paragraph, second sentence.

Typo: "adfsds"
Correction: "adds"

"The program automatically adfsds [typo] the bills you selected..."

Damian R. Fernandez  Dec 28, 2009 
Page 679
2nd paragraph; last sentence

Design is misspelled in the colophon: "Back cover deisgn..."

Printing History: October 2009.

Damian R. Fernandez  Nov 27, 2009