
Scripting InDesign CS3/4 with JavaScript

Errata for Scripting InDesign CS3/4 with JavaScript

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 8
1st paragraph


On page 8, the book says to type the following:


... into a the ESTK, after creating a document with a text box and highlighting some of that text. I did this, and nothing happens. In the bottom left corner there is a message that says "undefined is not an object". In the JS Console, I see "Script Executed."

What am I doing wrong?



Anonymous  Feb 22, 2010 
Page 30
2nd and 3rd code samples

Incorrect code - generates error messages and fails:

constructor mispelled as

rft1  Jul 10, 2009 
Page 34
first complete paragraph

"Another approach is to use lower case throughout and replace spces with underscores,..."

"spces" > "spaces"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 40
paragraph under Inserting Special Characters

"It is easier, however, to enter such characters by their Uniciode value,..."

"Uniciode" > "Unicode"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 47
paragraph under Find and Change

"CS2 had just one Find/Chage operation..."

"Chage" > "Change"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 50
third paragraph under Format Settings

"(this explains why you have to reset preferences to null at the beginning of each script or function that performa a replacement)."

"performa" > "perform"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 57
before the first code block

"From left to right, the symbols correspond with the following scipted options: "

"scipted" > "scripted"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 57
last paragraph

"But if you?re working with a fonts that doesn?t have that feature,..."

"fonts" > "font"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 60
code block at page bottom

Incorrect code in sample function "format_table(myTable)":

1 - The two calls to applyStyle() should be to applyParagraphStyle() instead.

2 - In last two lines (on page 61) the variable "tbl" should be "myTable".

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 60, code: replace "applyStyle" with "applyParagraphStyle" (twice, without quotes)

Page 61, last two lines of code at top of page: replace

tbl.rows.everyItem ().firstBaselineOffset = FirstBaseline.leadingOffset
tbl.spaceBefore = tbl.spaceAfter = 0;


myTable.rows.everyItem ().firstBaselineOffset = FirstBaseline.leadingOffset;
myTable.spaceBefore = tbl.spaceAfter = 0;

Steve Caine  May 06, 2009 
Page 60
code block at bottom of page (and onto next page)

Incorrect code in sample function format_table(myTable):

1 - The two calls to applyStyle() should be to applyParagraphStyle().

2- In last two lines (on page 61) the variable "tbl" should be "myTable" (three places).

Steve Caine  May 26, 2009 
Page 60
first paragraph under General Formatting

"... set the first base line in each cell to the leading,..."

"base line" probably > "baseline"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 63
first paragraph

"...note that the results are unpredictable when optical margin algnment is enabled."

"algnment" > "alignment"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 68
last sentence under Resizing a Frame

"... but there are better mothods for moving frames."

"mothods" > "methods"

pbear  Mar 13, 2010 
Page 74
paragraph under Acknowledgements

"... Dave Saunders, and Alan Stearns, ..."

comma after "Stearns" should be a period

pbear  Mar 13, 2010