
Programming Visual Basic 2008

Errata for Programming Visual Basic 2008

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 548
Two places in page text

The text on this page includes two references to a code routine called "RefreshPaymentFines". Both of these should be changed to "RefreshPatronFines" instead.

Anonymous  Jan 15, 2011 
Page 719
2nd paragraph

The setup program cannot be found in the publisher's web site.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 719 instructs readers to locate the "Source Code" link on the publisher's page for the book. The link is now called "Examples," and appears on the left side of the web page, just below the image of the book's cover.

David Lee  Mar 08, 2010 
Page 152
Figure 6-2

Eights (186 = 2 third power)
Should be (8 = 2 third power)

Anonymous  Jul 24, 2008 
Page 386
Code in middle of page

The code on page 386 indicates that the "configFile" variable will be temporarily set to a hard-coded value, to be resolved in a later chapter. Unfortunately, the hard-coded setting is never resolved. It should be resolved in Chapter 14's project code.

Beginning with the "Chapter 14 (After)" code, you can correct the problem by changing this line:

configFile = "c:\ReportConfig.txt"

to this instead:

configFile = My.Settings.ReportConfig & ""

This will set the "configFile" variable to the file path defined by the user/administrator at run time. The change applies to "Chapter 14 (After)" and any project code from all chapters after Chapter 14.

NOTE: Beginning sometime in June 2008, the downloadable source code will be updated to reflect this correction.

Note from the Author or Editor:
In the description, the fourth sentence includes the text "you can correct the problem by changing this line". Add a few words to the end of this clause so that it reads "you can correct the problem by changing this line in the ReportSelect.vb file". Can the description be formatted with line breaks so that the source code lines show up as distinct lines? Also, the last sentence is a note indicating the release date of the update. Change this note to, "NOTE: The downloadable source code was updated on June 23, 2008, to reflect this correction."

Anonymous  Jun 12, 2008 
Page 719
3rd paragraph, beginning of 2nd sentence in 'Download the Software' section

Quoting from book:
"To obtain the software for the book, browse to the book's web site:
Locate the Source Code link on this page and click it." If interpreted literally, there is no link labeled 'Source Code' on the page. The link is labeled 'Examples'. I'm sure most technical persons will figure this out quickly enough, but some persons might have trouble initially if they are looking specifically for a link labeled 'Source Code'. Just a very minor point!
Possible solution: might be easier to relabel the link on the website to match the book! Thanks for your time.

Anonymous  Jun 03, 2008 
Page 386
Code in middle of page

The code on page 386 indicates that the "configFile" variable will be temporarily set to a hard-coded value, to be resolved in a later chapter. Unfortunately, the hard-coded setting is never resolved. It should be resolved in Chapter 14's project code.

Beginning with the "Chapter 14 (After)" code, you can correct the problem by changing this line:

configFile = "c:ReportConfig.txt"

to this instead:

configFile = My.Settings.ReportConfig & ""

This will set the "configFile" variable to the file path defined by the user/administrator at run time. The change applies to "Chapter 14 (After)" and any project code from all chapters after Chapter 14.

NOTE: Beginning sometime in June 2008, the downloadable source code will be updated to reflect this correction.

Page 719
3rd paragraph, beginning of 2nd sentence in 'Download the Software' section

Description: Quoting from book:
"To obtain the software for the book, browse to the book's web site:
Locate the Source Code link on this page and click it." If interpreted literally, there is no link labeled 'Source Code' on the page. The link is labeled 'Examples'. I'm sure most technical persons will figure this out quickly enough, but some persons might have trouble initially if they are looking specifically for a link labeled 'Source Code'. Possible solution: might be easier to relabel the link on the website to match the book.
