
SMS Messaging Applications

Errata for SMS Messaging Applications

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 5
Middle of page

SMS Services

As mentioned in the introduction, SMS messages are used by mobile phone users to communicate to each other, but not only often also to interact with computer systems.

Last part of that sentence should say something like:

but also to interact with computer systems.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Yes, the sentence is incorrect. I would suggest replacing

"As mentioned in the introduction, SMS messages are used by mobile phone users to communicate to each other, but not only often also to interact with computer systems."


"As mentioned in the introduction, SMS messages are used by mobile phone users not only to communicate with each other, but often also to interact with computer systems."

Anonymous  Sep 20, 2010 
Page 8
3rd paragraph

Incomplete sentence:

"The specs mandate that phones receiving the special escape sequence 0011011 (27) and tha"

Note from the Author or Editor:
The sentence "The specs mandate that phones receiving the special escape sequence 0011011 (27) and tha" can be completely removed, since the concept is covered in the next sentence.

Nat Torkington  Feb 10, 2009 
1st paragraph after Table 2

Directly after Table 2 on the page the paragraph is missing part of its text:

The specs mandate that phones receiving the special escape sequence 0011011 (27) and tha

The GSM specifications mandate that phones that do not implement the Extended GSM Alphabet should display the 0011011 (27) escape character as a space if they receive it.

The Euro symbol is available as part of the extended GSM alphabet; it is represented by the 0011011 escape character followed by 1100101 (?e?); therefore, mobile phones that have no support for extended GSM characters are expected to display the sequence as a space followed by ?e,? which is a reasonable approximation of the Euro symbol.

Langoon  Jul 12, 2010 
Page 15

A production note appears in the final text:
[PRODUCTION NOTE: This should be a sidebar.]

Nat Torkington  Feb 10, 2009 
Page 15
Bottom of page

The bottom of page 15 has a "PRODUCTION NOTE" that should be removed.

WAP Billing

[PRODUCTION NOTE: This should be a sidebar.]

Note from the Author or Editor:
Yes, you are right. :-)

"[PRODUCTION NOTE: This should be a sidebar.]" should be removed.

Apologies for the problem.


Anonymous  Sep 20, 2010 
Page 16
2nd paragraph

two commas

"called Payforit and is described,, along with"

Nat Torkington  Feb 10, 2009 
Numbered paragraph #3 on page

There are 2 numbered lists on page 34. The 3rd item on the list is missing its text, so it is unclear if item #3 is just missing, or if there is just an extra carriage return / line feed. The excerpt is as follows:

Each Information Element in the UDH is structured as follows:
1. An integer (1 byte) specifying the type of information element. For example, to
use 16-bit port addressing, after consulting Table 8, you would use 0x05 here.
2. An integer (1 byte) specifying the length of the following information element
data. For example, to use 16-bit port addressing, after consulting Table 8, you
can see that the required data is composed of 4 bytes (2 bytes for Destination
Port and 2 bytes for Originator Port), so you would use 0x04 here.
4. Information element data (variable length, interpreted depending on the type
of information element). For example, to use 16-bit port addressing, after consulting
Table 8 you can see that you need to add 2 bytes for the Destination
Port (say, 0x1581 for the Nokia Ringtone Reader) and 2 bytes for the Originator
Port (say, 0x1581 again).

Note from the Author or Editor:
The empty list item #3 should be removed - there is nothing missing there. So, the text should read:

2. An integer (1 byte) specifying the length of the following information element
data. For example, to use 16-bit port addressing, after consulting Table 8, you
can see that the required data is composed of 4 bytes (2 bytes for Destination
Port and 2 bytes for Originator Port), so you would use 0x04 here.

3. Information element data (variable length, interpreted depending on the type
of information element). For example, to use 16-bit port addressing, after con-
sulting Table 8 you can see that you need to add 2 bytes for the Destination
Port (say, 0x1581 for the Nokia Ringtone Reader) and 2 bytes for the Originator
Port (say, 0x1581 again).

Langoon  Jul 12, 2010 
1st Paragraph

"is written is" shown, but "is written in" was probably what was meant. Starting at the top of the page we see:

WMA Ports
SMS messages can also be used by applications running on a mobile phone to communicate with a server or with applications running on other phones. This is done in different ways depending on the language and environment that the application is written is. Java applications for mobile phones are written using a Java environment called Java Micro Edition (JMEs).

Note from the Author or Editor:
Thanks for your feedback

Langoon  Jul 13, 2010