
Oracle Regular Expressions Pocket Reference

Errata for Oracle Regular Expressions Pocket Reference

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 36
2nd Paragraph

The first sentence of paragraph two reads as follows:

The following example uses the collation element [.ch.]
to find a word containing the Spanish letter 'ch'...

The example, in fact, shows the incorrect results that you get when you fail to use a
collation element. The sentence should read:

The following example uses the bracket-expression [ch]
in an attempt to find a word containing the Spanish
letter 'ch'...

The two code examples;
This errata doesn't concern a mistake, but rather a point that I realize now might
cause some small amount of confusion. You'll find two code examples on page 36. One
begins with SET NLS_LANGUAGE=SPANISH, the other with SET NLS_SORT=XSPANISH. You might
wonder why I set NLS_LANGUAGE the first time, while setting NLS_SORT the next.

The NLS_LANGUAGE parameter is a sort of "umbrella parameter" that drives the values
of a number of language related parameters. If you're going to work with Spanish
text, it makes sense to set NLS_LANGUAGE=SPANISH, as that in turn sets NLS_SORT,
NLS_DATE_FORMAT, and other such parameters to appropriate defaults for the language.
By setting NLS_LANGUAGE=SPANISH, I was, in effect, also setting NLS_SORT=SPANISH.

There are two sorts (maybe more) defined for the Spanish language. For the second
example, I needed the XSPANISH sort, which isn't the default. Thus, I needed to be
more specific, and set NLS_SORT directly. If you're working with Spanish text, and
wish to use the XSPANISH sort, you should usually first set NLS_LANGUAGE=SPANISH, and

page 49:
In first para, the phrase
see "Regular Expression Matching Options" in the "Tutorial" section
should be
see "Regular Expression Matching Options" in the "Oracle's Regular Expression Support" section

page 54:
in the first para, same edit needed as above, the phrase
see "Regular Expression Matching Options" in the "Tutorial" section
should be
see "Regular Expression Matching Options" in the "Oracle's Regular Expression Support" section
