
Introduction to Go Programming

Errata for Introduction to Go Programming

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Other Digital Version
video chapter 25

func WeightedShuffle(w WeightedShufleable) {
total := 0
for i := 0; i < w.Len(); i++ {
total += w.Weight(i)
for i := 0; i < w.Len(); i++ {
pos := rand.Intn(total)
cum := 0
for j := i; j < w.Len(); j++ {
counter += 1
cum += w.Weight(j)
if pos >= cum {
total -= w.Weight(j)
w.Swap(i, j)

Should be:

func WeightedShuffle(w WeightedShufleable) {
total := 0
for i := 0; i < w.Len(); i++ {
total += w.Weight(i)
for i := 0; i < w.Len(); i++ {
pos := rand.Intn(total)
cum := 0
for j := i; j < w.Len(); j++ {
counter += 1
cum += w.Weight(j)
if cum >= pos {
total -= w.Weight(j)
w.Swap(i, j)

So if cum >= pos not if pos >= cum

Note from the Author or Editor:
Interestingly the code in the repo. for this course is slightly different and uses the test

if pos < cum {

Consider a situation where there are two items with weights 100 and 10. total will be 110 which means that pos can be anywhere from 0 to 109. For i = 0 cum can take the values 100 and 110. I don't think the equality test is necessary because if pos is 0 to 99 then you'd expect the 100 bucket to be chosen, if pos is 100 you'd expect the 10 bucket.

So, my vote is that the code that's in the repo be used.

Anonymous  Apr 10, 2015