
Database Programming with JDBC & Java

Errata for Database Programming with JDBC & Java, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xvi

"Wittgenstein was a German philosopher"

now reads:

"Wittgenstein was an Austrian philosopher"

Anonymous    Jan 01, 2001
Page 16

"Never Mind the Bullocks, Here Come the Sex Pistols"

now reads:

"Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols".

(Author Bio) Now reads:

<B>George Reese</B> has taken an unusual path into business software
development. After earning a B.A. in philosophy from Bates College in
Lewiston, Maine, George went off to Hollywood where he worked on
television shows such as The People's Court and ESPN's Up Close. The
L.A. riots convinced him to return to Maine where he finally became
involved with software development and the Internet. George has since
specialized in the development of Internet-oriented Java enterprise
systems. He is the author of <I>Database Programming with JDBC and
Java</I> and the world's first JDBC driver, the mSQL-JDBC driver for
mSQL. He currently lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with his wife
Monique and three cats, Misty, Gypsy, and Tia. He makes his living as
a senior architect for Imaginet, LLC.

Anonymous    Jan 01, 2001
Page 61,62
In the last code example, last line, and also on the following page

statement = c.prepareCall("{call sp_interest[(?,?)]}");

Has been changed to:

statement = c.prepareCall("{call sp_interest[(?,?)}");

Anonymous    Aug 01, 2001
Page 74
In the following line of code:

os.write(b.getBytes(0, (int)b.length()), 0,;

Has been changed to:

os.write(b.getBytes(1, (int)b.length()), 0,

Anonymous    Aug 01, 2001
Page 136
1st paragraph


Has been changed to:


Anonymous    Aug 01, 2001
Page 161
In the last line of the fourth paragraph


Has been changed to:


Anonymous    Aug 01, 2001
Page 167
In the last line

"you have another issue needs addressing...."

Has been changed to:

"you have another issue that needs addressing...."

Anonymous    Aug 01, 2001