
CSS: The Missing Manual

Errata for CSS: The Missing Manual, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 6
2nd paragraph, html code, meta tag

The meta tag content attribute has an extra quotation before utf-8.

The text has...
content="text/html; charset="utf-8"

but it should have...
content="text/html; charset=utf-8"

afula  Jul 30, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 26

The Importance of the Doctype
second sentence
A DTD is an XML Document ...
Problem being that a DTD is not an XML document!

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 26, second sentence in first paragraph of the "The Importance of the Doctype" section:
The text "A DTD is an XML document"
should read:
"A DTD is a a text file

Lyall Braidwood  Jul 04, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 34
Note box

The Note box starting with "Don't forget to end each property/value pair with a semicolon:..." refers to the CSS validator " described in the box on the next page." The CSS validator "Up to Speed" box does not appear until page 36.

Note from the Author or Editor:
change "as described in the box on the next page." to
"as described in the box on page 36."

Timthy Morrill  Apr 13, 2011  Jul 15, 2011
Page 42
3rd line from the tope

The text following the opening <title> tag should be "CSS:The Missing Manual -- Chapter 2" and not "Basic Web Page"

Tara Hammons  Oct 18, 2011  Mar 02, 2012
Page 42
top code snipped

Bolded text should extend through closing style tag to indicate all of the added code.

Richard Myers  Jan 21, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 64
Power Users Clinic box, last sentance is not correct.
The corrected location is

stevenpinkham  Aug 25, 2009  Oct 01, 2009
Page 69
4th paragraph

([a href$=".doc"], movies ([a href$=".mov"])

Should be
(a [href$=".doc"], movies (a [href$=".mov"])

Anonymous  May 16, 2010  Mar 02, 2012
Page 75
second paragraph of step 4

"... class selectors don't have any affect on a web page until...." "affect" should be "effect."

Anonymous  Jul 27, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 79
Last sentence

The last sentence on page 79 currently reads as follows (emphasis added):

"The line-height property (which you'll read about on page 128) controls the space between lines in a paragraph (also KNOW as leading)."

The third-to-last word "know" should be changed to "known."

The corrected sentence should read as follows (emphasis added):

"The line-height property (which you'll read about on page 128) controls the space between lines in a paragraph (also KNOWN as leading)."

Anonymous  Jan 05, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 79
first paragraph

This is part of step 5 of the tutorial. After adding an ID tag, the text reads ". . ., there are many ways to arrive at the same destination: You can instead use a class style and apply it to the <body> tag (as long as you don't apply it more than once on the page)." However, the text within the parenthesis is wrong. You can use classes as many times as you need, but can only use an ID once per page.

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 79, first paragraph, parenthetical expression at end of second sentence: change
"(as long as you don't apply it more than once on the page)."
"(as long as you don't apply it more than once on the page; otherwise any other elements with the 'article' class will get that same formatting)."

Anonymous  Aug 11, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 82
Figure 4-1

The two screen shots do not match the descriptions; they appear to be reversed.

Michael Wasserman  Jan 01, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 89
3rd paragraph

The phrase "in action" should be one word -- inaction. (The section is talking about times that inheritance doesn't apply.)

Nan Barber  Aug 17, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 89
3. Add three properties

margin-left: 50px;

This entry is listed twice on the page(once in error), the second entry should be deleted and removed.

Sean Parry  Aug 27, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 97
1st "Note" at the top of the page

:first-child is a pseudo-class (, not a pseudo-element.

Perhaps the text should read as follow:
"A pseudo-element (like :first-line for example) is ...."
instead of:
"A pseudo-element (like :first-child for example) is ...."

yosedesh  Feb 17, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 98
middle of page, just under FAQ box

The paragraph that begins: "Now suppose the the style..." should show something different than what was shown on the bottom of page 97 I believe. But it's the same thing. Maybe it was supposed to reverse those two lines and say "in this case it's blue"??

Note from the Author or Editor:
Should read:
"Now suppose the style sheet looked like this instead:
.byline a { color: red; }
p .email { color: blue; }
In this case, the link would be blue. Since appears after .byline a in the style sheet, its properties win out."

Anonymous  Sep 08, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 98
FAQ "Get a little help" top -right

The view formatted source extension has not been updated for Firefox 2+ and therefore probably shouldn't be recommended.

donald horton  Oct 06, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 103
in the code sample inside the 4th paragraph

One of the tags included with the CSS reset is "variable". There is no HTML tag called <variable>. There is one called <var>, but it is an inline tag like <em> and <strong>. All of the tags in the reset list are block tags.

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 102, 2nd line of code listing,
change variable to var

Jeff Tash  Feb 19, 2012  Mar 02, 2012
Page 104
line 2 after Figure 5.5

End of first sentence following Figure 5.5 reads: "you saw in Figure 5-1." Should read "you saw in Figure 5-5."

NLB  Jan 14, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 123
middle paragraph, starting with "When it comes to inheritance"

The sentence which begins, "There's a lot of math to this one:", should continue: "32 pixels (inherited from the <div> tag) x .75 (inherited from the <p> tag) x .75 (inherited from the <em> tag x .75 (the <strong> tag's own font size)."

The error lies in the first 75% multiplier which is written as "75" instead of ".75".

GCH  Dec 16, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 123
2nd paragraph, last sentence

"5em is 50 percent" should be "5em is 500 percent"

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 123, second paragraph last two lines: period at end of second-to-last line should drop to next line next to 5: should read: .5em is 50 percent

Anonymous  Dec 23, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 131
next to last line

The last sentence, enclosed in parentheses, reads "You'll learn more ... on page 121." But this is on page 131. Thus, either the page number reference is wrong or the first two words in this sentence should be changed to "You learned".

Thank you for writing such a terrific book with *both* straight text *and* tutorials. I am adopting this book for use in my GUI programming course.


Note from the Author or Editor:
last sentence of page 131 should start
"(You learned about percentages..."

Jesse Heines  Jul 08, 2010  Jul 15, 2011
Page 131
p.131, last sentence

Sentence reads

"(You'll learn more about percentages and how they work with the width of elements on page 121.)"

Since you're talking about the future, did you mean page 154 under "POWER USER'S CLINIC -- Margins, Padding, and Percentages"?

Tan Truong  Apr 17, 2011  Jul 15, 2011
Page 131
last sentence

This page was already listed in the errata and a change was made modifying the reference from page 121 to page 154. However, in the process the tense got changed from future ("You will learn") to past ("You learned").

Jeff Tash  Feb 20, 2012  Mar 02, 2012
Page 137
Tip section on top

The link to bullet madness
renders a 404 page. I believe that it is no longer available. I wish I find that again. It was very useful.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The bullet madness site mentioned on page 137 is no longer available.

Victor Rodriguez  Oct 09, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 139
1st paragraph, first line

line should read: ". . . after the </title> tag." instead of "<title> tag" as printed.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 139, first sentence of step 3 should read: "In the <head> of the web page, click directly after the closing </title> tag.

Powernattoh  Sep 25, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 139
2nd paragraph

The cross-reference for the CSS reset should be to page 102 instead of "page 192".

Note from the Author or Editor:
139. Step 3, second paragraph, second line: change "page 192" to "page 101"

Michael Wasserman  Jan 01, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 144
2nd paragraph

"The four values are order like this:" should perhaps be written as, "The four values are ordered like this:"

Anonymous  Dec 25, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 145
last paragraph

#main .byline {
color: #999999;
font-size: 1.6em;
margin: 5px 0 25px 50px;

Change of color has no effect.

But it's a really nice book.


Note from the Author or Editor:
The color supplied by the #main .byline style doesn't make a change from what was already there. That's because the color #999999 is the same as for the style
p:first-line. In addition, the p:first-line style overrides the #main .byline anyway, because the :first-line pseudo-element is more SPECIFIC (it applies directly to the first line of a paragraph.) There are two solutions to overcome this. First, mark the color declaration in the #main .byline style as !important like this:
#main .byline {
color: #FFFFFF !important;
font-size: 1.6em;
margin: 5px 0 25px 50px;
Or add a #main .byline:first-line style like this:
#main .byline:first-line {
color: #FFFFFF;

kim kristianson  Jan 05, 2010  Jul 15, 2011
Page 148
2nd to last paragraph, 1st sentence

"It should look like Figure 6-14." should be "It should look like Figure 6-15."

Anonymous  Dec 25, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 153
Inside "Note", first line of the page

"As discussed on page 423" should be changed to "102". Page 102 is the page with the CSS reset styles.

Tan Truong  Apr 15, 2011  Jul 15, 2011
Page 153
4th line from bottom of page

I believe that the comma after "content" should be after "border".


Jesse Heines  Jul 24, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 157
Figure 7.4 at top of page

Page 157 Figure 7-4

Caption Reads:

"Bottom: To solve this dilemma, add a little padding or a border around the containing element (1 pixel of bottom padding on the <div>, in this case)."


To get the spacing shown in the bottom example, 1 pixel of padding must be added to the top and bottom on the <div>.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Figure 7-4: The top image is mislabelled. The <h1> tag should point to the headline "Bathtub hydroponics" and the <div> label should point to the "Do not try this at home". Also last paragraph of text in caption should read:
"Bottom: To solve this dilemma, add a little padding or a border around the containing element (1 pixel of top and bottom padding on the <div>, in this case.)"

NLB  Mar 16, 2011  Jul 15, 2011
Page 159
1st paragraph

On line 5,(... example of one on page 238 in Chapter 9) should be (... example of one on page 239 in Chapter 9)

Gian Piero de Bellis  Jan 23, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 167

IE 5 box model uses the width property to define an element's area conteining the borders, padding and width, but no the margins ...

Note from the Author or Editor:
note on page 167.
change "including margins, padding, and borders"
"including padding, and borders"

Jonathan  Dec 19, 2010  Mar 02, 2012
Page 180
Under Step 5. font-size: 24px ;

There is a space between 24px and the ; after it. AWESOME book by the way! I will submit a review later if you have a place to do that.

Amy Blassing  Dec 27, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 191
3rd para 1st line

Should read: As explained in the box on the next page...
Not, as stated, on previous page

And a bit of pedantry:

p.198 Fig 8-8 Caption line 1

Should read: each of the four images pictured here has been positioned ...
not: have been positioned.

Brilliant book. Probably the best PC textbook I've ever used: Tutorials excellent with right size chunks and good explanations. Index: Bravo for using a human indexer who doesn't just list words used but indexes concepts too with good 'see refs' Series design has two minuses which I will write about when I've finished book and am not in an internet cafe 2000 miles from home.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 191, 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence should "As explained in the box on the next page..."

Malcolm Shifrin  Jan 04, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 191
1st line of 2nd code example

There should not be a space after the slash and before "images" in:

url(../images/bg.gif) /* document-relative */


Jesse Heines  Jul 24, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 195
Figure 8-5 Caption - Second sentence

Page 195 Figure 8-5: Second sentence reads:

"The order in which you specify the keywords doesn't matter - top center and center top both have the same effect."

However, in the 3rd confirmed correction for page 216, the Note from the Author or Editor reads:

&#8232;"page 216, step 5, 4th line of code should read background-position: left top;"

If this is accurate and the order does matter, it would appear that Page 195 Figure 8-5 also needs correction (but it appears neither should be corrected and were accurate as originally printed).

Based on W3C CSS 2.1, both page 195 and page 216 are correct as printed.

W3C CSS 2.1 Specification: "If at least one value is not a keyword, then the first value represents the horizontal position and the second represents the vertical position."

On page 216, keywords are used for both horizontal and vertical placement. Also, the tip on page 234 referred to by the submitter follows a paragraph describing placement using values other than keywords.

NLB  Mar 17, 2011 
Page 197
Note (middle of page)

The note refers to another note on page 311. There is no note on 311.

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 197, note. Please ignore this note. Should be removed from text.

Scott Briefer  Jul 09, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 199
last paragraph

Part of the text:"...adds a nonrepeating fixed background image...."
Hence the code example at th bottom of the page should include "fixed" instead of "scroll", right?

Note from the Author or Editor:
last line of code on page 199, change

Torbj?rn Ferm  Nov 16, 2011  Mar 02, 2012
Page 200
Example above last paragraph

If scrolling is normal browser behavior:

background: url(image/bullseye.gif) fixed left top repeat;

should read as:

background: url(image/bullseye.gif) scroll left top repeat;

Anonymous  Dec 27, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 204
Step #3

On page 205, first paragraph, a reference is made to the width of the example image and the reader is told to look at step 3. The html shown in step 3 for the img tag does not include a width parameter. The html shown is:

<img src="../images/grass.jpg" alt="Creeping Bentgrass" height="200"/>

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 203, step 3, 4th line of code should read:
width="200 height="200"/>

Anonymous  Sep 24, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 206
Step 1 text

The second sentence of the text says: "The page contains nine photos and photo captions."

It should be SIX instead of nine.

Anonymous  Dec 27, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 210
p 210 TIP: first line of type - last word on line "than"

Typo on the word "than" should read "that". "TIP: There is a way to avoid that weird display problem noted in step 5, as well as create a gallery than can handle..." should read "that can handle".

Amy Blassing  Dec 28, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 216
step 6, line two of paragraph

" . . . until it just tops the touch of . . ." should read:

. . . until it just touches the top of . . .

Powernattoh  Sep 30, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 216
2nd paragraph, first sentence

"The first line just adds a bit of padding pushes down the banner" should read as "The first line just adds a bit of padding, pushing down the banner"

Anonymous  Dec 28, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 216
Step 5 (line 4) reads "background-position: top left;"

The line should read "background-position: left top;" The TIP on the top of page 234 explains why. "Tip: In positioning background images, the first value is the horizontal placement (left to right); the second is vertical placement (top to bottom)."

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 216, step 5, 4th line of code should read
background-position: left top;

Amy Blassing  Dec 29, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 216
8th paragraph

Under "Replacing Borders with Graphics"
Item #1
2nd line of code;

It says: background-image: url(images/underline.png)

It should say: background-image: url(images/underline.png);

Ed  Dec 31, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 218
1 under 'Using Graphics for Bulleted Lists'

return to the 'sidebar.html'
should be the 'bg_images.html'

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 218, step 1, first sentence should read:
Return to your text editor and the bg_images.html file.

Eddie  Sep 25, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 218
first line, top of page

Padding, as you'll recall from, is the space...

(reference to previous padding info appears to be missing.)

Note from the Author or Editor:
218, first line at top of page should read:
"Padding, as you'll recall from page 153..."

richardtmyers  Feb 03, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 222
Step 4, and 2nd line of code

background: url(images/scroll_top.jpg) no-repeat;
should read
background: url(images/scroll_top.jpg) no-repeat center top;

Anonymous  Dec 28, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 223
2nd to the last line in step 8

"You'll learn" should be "You learned" because this is a back reference to page 173.

Jesse Heines  Jul 24, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 228
2nd line of Tip

The comma after "this" should be after "case" so that the sentence reads: "In this case, you can add ..."


Jesse Heines  Jul 24, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 231
Middle, paragraph starts with: "Say you added..."

<a link="stale.html"... should read <a href="stale.html"...

Scott Briefer  Jul 11, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 235
1st paragraph, next to last sentence

"principal" should be "principle"

Tara Hammons  Nov 14, 2011  Mar 02, 2012
Page 244
2nd paragraph in Frequently Asked Question box

Page 240 should be 258. The tutorial starts on page 258.

Uno Ramat  Jan 08, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 248
Note (top of page)

The link in the second paragraph of the note has changed from


Alex Hedley  Aug 02, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 255
1st paragraph

"The email link at the bottom of the page remains unaffected by the styles you've created so far..."

This, I believe, is not true. At least, not when I did the exercise. The email link is coded as "a href" and therefore, WOULD be affected by styles relating to "a" tags.

Minor point, but it confused me a little.

Love the book. I've already done two CSS based web sites, but plan to overhaul them after going through this book.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 255: First two sentences of first paragraph following headline should read:
"The email link at the bottom of the page looks no different than the other links on the page (Figure 9-13, top). You have other plans for that mailto link, however.

Sally Davis  Dec 25, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 257
Note: line 6 "Unless you client"

Sentence reads "Unless you client or boss...". It should read "Unless your client or boss...".

Amy Blassing  Dec 29, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 258
next-to-the-last line

I would recommend changing "It looks like example one in Figure 9-15." to "It looks like example #1 in Figure 9-15." both for clarity and to be consistent with all the other references to the six sub-images in this figure.


Jesse Heines  Jul 24, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 263
section 3

Says 'locate the Features link'
when should say 'locate the Home link'

Eddie  Sep 27, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 263
Step 4

Step 4 says repeat step 4, when it should say repeat step 3.

Anonymous  Dec 29, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 266
Step 1. of "From Vertical to Horizontal"

Right after completing a tutorial to create a vertical navigational bar, we begin working on a tutorial to create a horizontal navigational bar. Step 1 includes the following text:

"You need to remove the width you set for the <ul> tag in step 6 on page 243."

I checked page 243 and it's not even part of any tutorial; in fact, it seems to have little or nothing to do with the topic in question. Hence, since I was confused, I continued the tutorial without step 1, and it still worked out fine. So unless I overlooked something here, step 1 isn't even needed.

Excellent book by the way. For the first time in a long time, I'm enjoying learning from a textbook.


Note from the Author or Editor:
change "in step 6 on page 243" to
"in step 7 on page 260"

Tan Truong  Apr 23, 2011  Mar 02, 2012
Page 266
1st paragraph after top code example

Paragraph reads "As discussed in the box on page 73..."

Should be page 173

Note from the Author or Editor:
should be page 338

Brian  Oct 23, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 282
top in Note

It has a link to CSS Cookbook free chapter.

Couldn't find page with
but found it at

Eddie  Sep 28, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 294
tutorial setp 10

The example image in the book is different from the one I get by following the tutorial and also different from finished example contained in the downloaded files.

In the tutorial on styling a form, step 10 has an effect on the submit button. The nice rounded button is replaced by a not so nice colored rectangle. The rectangle also appears in the form_finished html file as well.

Figure 10-13 shows the submit button as a nicely rounded button.

Any ideas?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Figure 10-13 should show a rectangular button, not a rounded button.

Len  Jun 13, 2011  Mar 02, 2012
Page 315
1st paragraph, 3rd line, of section: Floating All Columns

"... Figure 12-2, top." should be "... Figure 12-4, top."

Powernattoh  Oct 10, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 317
1st para

Fifth line down:

"and the left sidebar right...." should be "and the left sidebar left...."

Anonymous  Oct 01, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 323
1st paragraph

left-margin: -619px;

should be:

margin-left: -619px;

Anonymous  Nov 20, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 328
Last code segment

There is an extraneous space after 'url' which prevents the code working, it should be:

"wrapper { background: url(images/col_bg.gif) repeat-y left top; }"

Anonymous  Feb 17, 2010  Dec 02, 2011
Page 338
Box 'Power User's Clinic,' second paragraph

The second sentence begins "In the Chapter 9 ...

I'm sure the author meant "In Chapter 9 ..."

Erik Gloor  Apr 02, 2010  Jul 15, 2011
Page 338
Power Users' Clinic, 5th paragraph

"Firfox" should be: "Firefox."

Anonymous  Dec 30, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 352
1. code

padding for left and bottom are in reverse. As code in finished html, it should be:
padding: 5px 5px 20px 160px;

Heath Kemp  Feb 02, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 367

Not sure the reference is correct - says 'see page 367' which is the page we are on....?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 367, last sentence of fourth paragraph under first subhead should read
"You can use the :hover pseudo-classs (see page 61) to make an invisible element visible."

Eddie  Sep 29, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 382
Last paragraph, 2nd sentence

The sentence: "This style moves the logo far enough to the left so that it?s out of the way of the absolutely positioned graphic.

Should read: "This style
moves the logo far enough to the right so that it?s out of the way of the absolutely
positioned graphic."

Anonymous  Dec 30, 2009  Dec 02, 2011
Page 396
1st "Note" around the middle of the page

As of Feb. 24, 2010:
The Opera tutorial is not located at
It is located at

Update: This link no longer exists either.

Note from the Author or Editor:

Removing reference as both links do not exist.

yosedesh  Feb 24, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 401
Code example shown just above the last paragraph

Style does not have a closing semicolon ( ; )
A similar example on the opposite page does.

Note from the Author or Editor:
change: * { color: #000 !important }
to: * { color: #000 !important; }

Erik Gloor  Apr 05, 2010  Dec 02, 2011
Page 404
1st sentence of the 2nd to last paragraph

"As you learned in of the third part of this book,"

Should be:

"As you learned in the third part of this book,"

John S Weidle  Jan 21, 2011  Jul 15, 2011
Page 412
Last paragraph

In step 2, under displaying URLs, it says open cosmo.html. It should be open print.html. There is no file called cosmo.html in this exercise.

Doug Ayers  Oct 06, 2011  Mar 02, 2012
Page 417
3rd paragraph, last sentence

"The names you've see so far" should read
"The names you've seen so far"

Chris Matthews  Jul 18, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 418
figure 15-2

The images look to be completely wrong for what the figure is supposed to be illustrating - multiple classes using two images on a page as an example.

Also says top and bottom where wrong images are left and right.

Eddie  Oct 01, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 421
figure 15-3

Image 15-3 should be an example of an external style sheet serving as a gatekeeper for other style sheets. It is a copy of figure 14-3 instead.

Note from the Author or Editor:
the figure in the book is wrong. You can find the actual figure at

Anonymous  May 30, 2011  Mar 02, 2012
Page 425
Last paragraph, 2nd line "appling a border to of a table cell"

line reads, "applying a border to of a table cell..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
change "applying a border to of a table cell..."
to: "applying a border to a table cell..."

Amy Blassing  Jan 01, 2010  Dec 02, 2011
Page 426
3rd paragraph, 2nd and 3rd line "...then you may have notice that..."

line reads "...then you may have notice that..." should read "...then you may have noticed that..."

Amy Blassing  Jan 01, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 432
4 line from top

"#news a#newlink," should be
"#news a#newslink,"

Chris Matthews  Jul 18, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 438
Last paragraph, before tip

Line reads: "The rest of this chapter walks you through you a bunch of them". Should read: "The rest of this chapter walks you through a bunch of them".

Bosko Pesic  Nov 06, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 441
1st Paragraph

Since this book was written, Safari, Opera and Chrome have added support for nth-child selectors so top paragraph should read:

Unfortunately, version 8 and earlier of Internet Explorer do not support the nth-child selector. (For IE 6, 7 and 8 you can use the lower-tech solution for striping tables, described on page 277, which works in all browsers.)

David Sawyer McFarland
David Sawyer McFarland
Aug 21, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 442
Last paragraph (before Note)

Should read:

Unfortunately, the type selectors don't work in Internet Explorer 8 or earlier; just Firefox 3.5, Safari, Opera, and Chrome.

David Sawyer McFarland
David Sawyer McFarland
Aug 23, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 449
Note has gone.

The domain is for sale.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The website is no longer around. Please ignore this "Note" box.

Removed Website's address.

Alex Hedley  Aug 17, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Page 466
text-indent description, "Values" bullet point, line 5 refers to p. 62; I think this should be p. 130.

text-indent description, "Values" bullet point, line 5 refers to p. 62; I think this should be p. 130.

Matthew Gillman  May 04, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 470
2nd paragraph in "border-width"

The first word "colors" of the second line (6th line in "border-width") for the paragraph should be "widths". This is probably a copy-and-paste error carried from page 469 in "border-color".

Chang-Ping Hsiao  Dec 18, 2009  Mar 01, 2011
Page 476
'clip' example

For rect(5px,110px,40px,10px) the height of the clipping box should be 40px-5px = 35px (not the stated 30 pixels).

Note from the Author or Editor:
In the "Values" bullet item continuation paragraph, last sentence, change:
So, in this example, the clipping box is 30 pixels tall (30px + 10px = 40px).
So, in this example, the clipping box is 35 pixels tall (35px + 5px = 40px).

Alan Olrog  Dec 29, 2010  Dec 02, 2011
Page 496
2nd line in the paragaph under the Tip

The sentence "If your page has three Heading 1 <h2> paragraphs, ..." should read "If your page has three Heading 2 <h2> paragraphs, ..."


Jesse Heines  Jul 24, 2010  Mar 01, 2011
Other Digital Version
kindle locations 1916 and 1944

In the .mobi and .epub versions, figure 3-8 and 3-9 are switched.
The PDF version has the figures in the correct place.

stevenpinkham  Aug 25, 2009  Mar 01, 2011