
Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual

Errata for Creating a Web Site: The Missing Manual, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 12
Note at top of page.

Extensive list of Web browsers for Mac computers is at:

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 12, Note box at top, "" should be ""

bmcf  Jan 19, 2010 
Page 20
2nd paragraph

In the "Know your audience" section, there is a phrase that says, "promotional page for an experimental electric harmonic band." I believe the author meant harmonica instead of harmonic.
Listening to electric harmonics would probably give me a headache, although an electric harmonica might be just as bad. Ouch!
Great book. Thank you for allowing me to contribute.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 20, second bullet, "electric harmonic" should be "electric harmonica"

Mike O'Rourke  Sep 15, 2010 
Page 27
Figure 2-2 Caption

Top: The Word document "is" rewritten not "in" rewritten as an XHTML document...

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 27, Figure 2-2 caption, second paragraph, "in rewritten" should be "is rewritten"

Anonymous  Aug 29, 2010 
Printed, PDF
Page 42
XHTML code

In the example of XHTML without white space, the <html> start tag is repeated, with the second instance missing the "xmlns" property name. <html xmlns="http://www."><html =""> should be <html xmlns="">.

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 42, end of second line of code "<html xmlns="http://www." and beginning of third line "">" are part of a duplicate tag, and should be removed

Tad Marshall  Feb 16, 2011 
Page 51
Caption to Figure 2-15

The second sentence reads "First, the page is missing the mandatory <header> section." Shouldn't that be the "<head> section"?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 51, caption for Figure 2-15, "mandatory <header> section" should be "mandatory <head> section"

James Welch  May 26, 2009 
Page 65
last paragraph

reads: As you learned on page 34...

should read: As you learned on page 64...

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 65, beginning of last paragraph, "As you learned on page 34" to "As you learned on page 64"

Anonymous  Apr 30, 2009 
Page 77
end of 2nd paragraph

Sentence says "at the top your Web pages." Should be "at the top of your Web pages."

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 77, end of second paragraph, "at the top your Web pages" should be "at the top of your Web pages"

Andrea  Dec 24, 2010 
Page 105
Figure 4-15

(very small minor glitch)

The caption of figure 4-15 talks about the Lee Park website while the screenshot shows an earlier example (Popsicle workers) which resides in the same tutorial folder.

Therefore it might be a good idea to exchange this with a screenshot that shows one of the resume files (4 or 5).

On the other hand, who is Lee Park, anyway?
We only get to know him in chapter 5. ;)

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 105, caption for Figure 4-15, "This example shows the local view of the Lee Park site" should be "This example shows the local view of a Web site."

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 03, 2009 
Page 105
figure 4-15

(this refers to the description of the buttons in the "file" panel)

* the button saying "Disconnect" should actually read: "Connect/Disconnect"
* the button saying "Connect" should actually read: "Refresh"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Figure 4-15, the callout that reads "Disconnect" should be "Connect/Disconnect" and the callout that reads "Connect" should be "Refresh"

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 03, 2009 
Page 131
Figure 5-13:

In the figure 5-13 it is explaining the difference between Superscript and Subscript tags in action; in both screenshots where giving an example of Subscript it is written Superscript as description.
Hope it makes sense! :)
Great book, by the way!

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 131, Figure 5-13, in both figures the sentence "Superscript is handy for chemistry" should read "Subscript is handy for chemistry"

Rolands Markuns  Sep 05, 2010 
Page 142 ff.
3rd paragraph from bottom and following pages

(referring to the section "Applying a Stlye Sheet")

Mentioned is the tutorial file for chapter 2 named 'resume.htm'.
This file does not contain any headings, only 'resume5.htm' does. Thus:

'resume.htm' should read:

to make the style sheet example work.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 142, first paragraph after "Applying a Style Sheet", the entire paragraph starting with the second sentence ("Before you go any further ... Follow these steps:") should read "Before you go any further, you need an XHTML web page to format. You can use the resume5.html file from Chapter 2 (which is available from the Missing CD page at Copy the file and rename the copy to resume.html, and then follow these steps to outfit it with a new style sheet:"

Here, the text "resume5.html" and "" and "resume.html" should be italicized.

Joergen W. Lang  Feb 28, 2009 
Page 143
list item 5, last sentence (in brackets)

The last sentence of list item #5 reads:

"If you put these two files in different folders, you need to specify the location of the .css file using the file path notation system you?ll learn about on page 171."

On page 171 no information about file paths can be found.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 143, fifth list item, last sentence, reference to "page 171" should be "page 212"

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 04, 2009 
Page 148
code example on bottom of page

(referring to the ul {...} rule)

The declaration

color: fuschia; should read:
color: fuchsia;

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 148, in code, "fuschia" should be "fuchsia"

Joergen W. Lang  Feb 28, 2009 
Page 155
last paragraph

In the last paragraph on the page it says:

"To select a font, you use the font-family attribute."

The usage of the word 'attribute' is misleading, since it is already introduced in various sections of the book as meaning 'XHTML attribute' (e.g. 'src' or 'href')

Therefore, this should read IMHO:
"To select a font, you use the font-family property."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 155, last paragrapg, change "To select a font, you use the font-family attribute" to "To select a font, you use the font-family property"

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 01, 2009 
Page 163
Table 6-3 entry 'padding'

The description for the CSS property 'padding' says:

"Sets the spacing added around the inside of a block element."

This should read:
"Sets the spacing added around the inside of a block or inline element."

Explanation: The CSS 'padding' property is not limited to block elements but can also be used for inline elements. See:

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 163, Table 6-3, entry for "padding", "Sets the spacing added around the inside of a block element." should be "Sets the spacing added around the inside of a block or inline element."

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 02, 2009 
Page 181
section "Alternate Text", 4th list item

The text in the brackets says:

"(a program that ?speaks? text, including the words in an alt tag). "

Although commonly referred to as "the alt tag", this should really be the alt *attribute*. Thus the text should actually read:

"(a program that ?speaks? text, including the words in an alt attribute). "

Note from the Author or Editor:
Replace "including the words in an alt tag" with "including the words in the alt attribute"

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 05, 2009 
Page 193
paragraph above last code example

The first sentence of this paragraph starts with:

"When you set the float attribute...."

This should probably be:

"When you set the float property...."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 193, paragraph above last code example, "When you set the float attribute" should be "When you set the float property"

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 06, 2009 
Page 196
Last paragraph in Adding Captions

The book states "You can do this easily with inline images-just put a line of text immediately above or after the picture..."

It should state the following: just put a line of text immediately "before" or after the picture...

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 196, "above or after the picture" should be "before or after the picture"

Edward Escalera  Sep 17, 2010 
Page 209
4th paragraph 1st sentence

The first sentence says:

"A better way to create colorful links is to use another style sheet trick: pseudo-selectors."

These should really be pseudo-classes.

Note from the Author or Editor:
in the sidebar on page page 209, all instances of "pseudo-selector" should be "pseudo-class" and "pseudo-selectors" should be "pseudo-classes"

Joergen W. Lang  Mar 07, 2009 
Page 211
Box "Navigating and Frames"

In the box they talk about clicking an external link, but the code example shows a relative (internal) link.

So the link should really be something like:

<a href="" target="_blank">Click me</a>

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 211, sidebar "Navigating and Frames", this code snippet:

<a href="LinkedPage.htm" target="_blank">
Click Me</a>

should be:

<a href=""
target="_blank">Click Me</a>

(with the target="_blank" portion still in bold

Some attentive reader  Mar 08, 2009 
Page 218
last paragraph, end of 2nd sentence

at the end ot teh 2nd sentence the brackets read:

"(the cords attribute)" This should be

"(the coords attribute)"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 218, middle of last paragraph, "(the cords attribute)" should be "(the coords attribute)"

Jimmy  Mar 09, 2009 
Page 225
Link Checkers/#3/para. 2/line 3

reads: should updated it to point...

should read: should update it to point...

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 225, second paragraph under step 3, change "should updated it to" to "should update it to"

Anonymous  May 09, 2009 
Page 231
2/3 down main text, after "...about 1,000 pixels."

"This is the roughly the..." should read "This is roughly the..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 231, middle of first paragraph, "This is the roughly" should read "This is roughly"

David B  Sep 22, 2010 
Page 237
1st paragraph

In the first paragraph (just below the Tip) it says:

"There?s one hiccup to watch for when you create tables with borders. If the table includes empty cells, they?ll appear ?collapsed,? which means they won?t get any borders at all "

This problem occurs only in versions of IE before IE8 RC1.

Tested also with recent versions of Opera, FF, Chrome, Safari (Mac).

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 237, paragraph after Tip box, second sentence, "If the table includes empty cells, they'll appear" should read "On some browsers, empty cells will appear"

At the end of this parapgraph, add, "This happens in versions of Internet Explorer before IE 8 (or in all versions if your web page doesn't have a doctype)."

Anonymous  Mar 17, 2009 
Page 243
1st paragraph of section "Sizing a row"

The 2nd sentence reads:

"The best approach is to use the height property in the <tr> attribute..."

<tr> is either a tag or an element. So the above sentence should be:

"The best approach is to use the height property in the <tr> element..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Change "The best approach is to use the height property in the <tr> attribute," to "The best approach is to use a style rule that sets the height property of the <tr> element,"

never never again  Mar 17, 2009 
Page 245

The actual code for the page links refers to these pages:
RelativeSizing.htm and AbsoluteSizing.htm

However, the actual files provided from the book's web site are named as follows:
RelativeSizingTable.htm and AbsoluteSizingTable.htm

Would it not be better for the links in the code and the file names to coincide?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 245, code, in the fourth line, "RelativeSizing.htm" should be "RelativeSizingTable.htm" and in the fifth line, "AbsoluteSizing.htm" should be "AbsoluteSizingTable.htm" This makes the text consistent with the downloadable samples.

Ken Wilson  Sep 03, 2010 
Page 263
Figure 10-1

The caption describes, while the graphic shows

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 263, Figure 10-1 caption, in the first sentence "Every page on" should be "Every page on Expedia"

Anonymous  May 10, 2009 
Page 264
markup in center of page

Text in markup (Templates Rule!, etc.) not consistent with alternate markup on p.265, nor with fig. 10-2.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 264, code, line 10, this:
<h1>Templates Rule!</h1>

should be:
<h1>Welcome to a Multipart Page</h1>

and line 15-17:
<div class="Content"?
<p>This is the ...
for this site.</p>

should be:
<div class="ContentPanel">
<p>This is the welcome page. Just to the left of this text is the
handy menu for this site.</p>

and lines 16-17:

Anonymous  May 10, 2009 
Page 268
5th paragraph

Paragraph 5 is only one line, which is "Figure 10-3 shows what this example looks like in a browser." However, the preceding code is for setting up a 3-row frameset while the actual figure displays two 3-column framesets.

Side Note:
This book is fraught with disconnects between printed code, the attendant figures and also the provided code for the download. Add to this the horrendous lack of maintenance and follow up in this errata site and it makes this the worst book I have ever acquired from O'Reilly. While the "Missing Manual" series is a great thing, this book is not up to the challenge.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 268, paragraph before second code block, after the first sentence "If you split the window into columns ... " should be a second sentence "If you carve the window into rows, you use the rows attribute." (with the word "rows" in italics). In the next sentence, "You can set the width" should be "You can set the size"

In the paragraph after the second code block, the first sentence "If you carve the window into rows ..." should be remove and in the second sentence "creates three rows" should be "creates three columns". In the following code, the first line <frameset rows="25%,50%,25%"> should be <frameset cols="25%,50%,25%">

Ken Wilson  Sep 09, 2010 
Page 326
2nd paragraph under #2

Says "URL for web site you want track." Should be "URL for web site you want to track."

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 326, second paragraphg under step 2, "site you want track" should be "site you want to track"

Andrea  Jan 04, 2011 
Page 387
First line

Says "to let you know how your much you're earning." Should be "to let you know how much you're earning."

Note from the Author or Editor:
page 387, first line, "let you know how your much" should be "let you know how much"

Andrea  Jan 04, 2011 
Page 411
2nd Paragraph after "Modifying variables"

The phrase "parentheses first, then addition and subtraction, then multiplication and division" should read "parentheses first, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction".

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 411, second paragraph after "Modifying variables" heading, "parentheses first, then addition and subtraction, then multiplication and division" should read "parentheses first, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction".

Scott A Thisse  Jul 16, 2009 
Page 415
Javascript at bottom of page

The function being discussed is "ShowAlertBox()." The function written in the script shows merely "ShowAlert()."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Page 415, in the code block at the bottom of the page, all three instances of "ShowAlert()" should be "ShowAlertBox()"

Anonymous  May 21, 2009