
Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual

Errata for Dreamweaver CS3: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 3
3rd paragraph

Reads: "to prevent visitors to your site from submitting forms with the proper information."

Should read: "to prevent visitors to your site from submitting forms with out the proper information."

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 10
3rd paragraph, last sentence

The word BACKSLASH should be FORWARD SLASH to be consistent with what is on p#7, 4th paragraph, last

Page 20
end of third paragraph

Hovering the mouse over the file name in the title bar does nothing on my iMac, I have to press Command and click on the file name to see where the file is located. This also occurs on page 48 Fig.1-21 midway through the paragraph

True for page 20, not for Figure 1-21:
On page 20 change:
?if you hover your mouse over the file name?index.html, for example?you?ll see the location of that file on your Mac.?
?if you command-click the file name?index.html, for example?you?ll see a drop down menu with the complete path to that file on your Mac.?

FIGURE 1-21:
Actually is correct, but only applies to the tabs that appear when more than one document is open. You might want to bold ?document tabs? in the callout for that figure to emphasize that point.

Page 24
Figure 1-3 text

The last word in Figure 1-3 caption is "manu"; should be menu.

Also, the word "date" in the last line of the 2nd paragraph should be "data"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 31
8. 3rd paragraph

Wrong chapter reference. It says :

"For more on root folders and organizing Web sites, see chapter 14."

It should refer to Chapter 15 ("Introducing Site Management")

Page 35
NOTE < Section

NOTE: Because defining a site is such an important step, you can find a video about the process on this books Web site at

URL changed to ""

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 36
2nd paragraph

In the third paragraph, the Document Categories are being explained. As each is addresses there are quotes around them. For instance "Blank Template" This perhaps could a mistake, but Blank Pages and Other are not in quotes.

Joel  Feb 05, 2009 
Page 45
Step 6, second paragraph

"In Phase 1 (page 39)" should be "In Phase 2 (page 42)

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 52
6th paragraph (Number 11)

The last "Dreamweaver" is spelled wrong.

Page 56
Figure 1-28 paragraph

There is no space in between the following words toward the end of the paragraph. "inthe" - currently the sixth word from the bottom.

Should read as follows:

Figure 1-28:

Dreamweaver can launch a Web browser and load a page in it so you can preview your design. One option-"Preview using temporary file"-comes in handy when working with Cascading Style Sheets, as described in the Note on page 150.

Tyler Stewart  Jan 01, 2009 
Page 57
Step 5.

'choose Edit' changed to 'choose File'

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 58
Step #2

The Mac shortcut is listed as "(command key)-Alt-I" instead of "(command key)-Option-I."

Anonymous  Aug 18, 2008 
Page 58
2nd to last paragraph

Step # 6 in Phase 6: Finishing the page

6. Click before the letter C in "copryight 2007"....

Copyright is spelled incorrectly; "copryight"

Anonymous  Sep 10, 2008 
Page 58
Step 6

"Copyright" is misspelled "Copryight"

Page 92
3rd bullet at top of page


changed to:


Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 116
6th paragraph

reference: "See page xx for more details."

Should be "page 123"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 119
3rd paragraph

Verbiage says "see page XX". Incorrect refference.

Should be "page 120"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 121
Right column of "Anatomy of a Style" box

Duplicate word "then" removed from top of the right column.

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 130
4th line of the 1st paragraph under 2. choose file - check browser compatibility.

I have Dreamweaver CS3 The Missing Manual, Printing History: June 2007: First Edition.
I don't know if its been fixed already or not, but on page 130, under 2. Choose File - Check Browser Compatibility, the last sentence reads, "In either case, Dreamvweaver analyses the HTML and CSS for the page, and spits out the results in the Browser Compatibility tab of the Results panel (see Figure 4-9)." Figure 4-9 shows how to find the Check Browser Compatibility option in the drop down list from the Check Page tab, but doesn't show the Results Panel. Should the sentence refer to "(figure 4-10)" instead?

Note from the Author or Editor:
last sentence of paragraph following step #2 on page 130 should refer to Figure 4-10 NOT Figure 4-9.

Anonymous  Jul 18, 2008 
Page 130
top of page, 3rd line down

Step 2 says
Choose File --> Check Browser Compatibility
I think it should say
Choose File --> Check Page --> Browser Compatibility

Page 139
Setting Up (1st paragrah)

4th sentence: "CSS Tutorial" changed to "Introducing CSS"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 141

In the exercise on this page, I am creating an External Style Sheet. I am creating a style sheet for my tags. Step #8 says that I am supposed to save the file as "feature.css" in the "Save As" field. (I am using a Mac)
I type "feature" in the field and hit "OK" only to find that my file is saved as "untitled", not "feature".
I found that if I type "feature" in the URL window below, it saves under the correct name and appears correctly in my CSS styles window.
However, on page 145 when I go to view my page on my browser it appears unedited.
Please help me!

Note from the Author or Editor:
When saving an external style sheet on the Mac (in Dreamweaver CS3) make sure you include the .css after the file name: feature.css, not just feature.

Anonymous  Sep 01, 2008 
Page 149
steps 3 and 4 in the numbered steps under "Attaching an External Style Sheet

Line 3:

"The Link External Style Sheet window" -> "The Attach External Style Sheet window"

Step 4:

Line 2:

"Select Style Sheet dialog box" -> "Select Style Sheet File dialog box"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 157
Figure 5-2

The three links in the figure illustrate how to link pages in different parts of the website. Link number
2 is supposed to illustrate a linkage from the page horoscopes.html to the page pisces.html, according to
the text on page 158. However, the link is shown as connecting the link to the horoscopes folder, and not
to the horoscope page.

Page 164
6th line of type

Really a teensy error -- a possessive pronoun miscast as a contraction:

"It's only real benefit..." should be "Its only real benefit..."

A terrific book, by the way!

Anonymous  Oct 27, 2008 
Page 166
Quick Link box at top of page

URL "www.tom-muck/extensions/" changed to ""

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 174
top paragraph, line 3


"(page xx)" -> "(page 217)"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 188
Step 1

Step 1 changed to:

"1. Return to Dreamweaver and make sure the file confessions.html is open.

Just below the banner is an empty, light gray area. If you see the gold shield character used to represent a line break (see page 67), click it, then press the left arrow key. This moves the insertion point to the left of the line break.

If you don't see the gold shield character, just click anywhere inside the light gray area as pictured in Figure 5-21."

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 189
1st paragraph

The text says to "just click anywhere inside the light gray area" and then insert the Spry Menu Bar.

In IE7, doing so the menu does fit between the top and bottom black borders (the bottom border continues under the menu).

To fix, you need to add the following property to the div#banner:

zoom: 1

Anonymous  Aug 26, 2008 
Page 190
Step 8

(Select on Macs) changed to (Choose on Macs)

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 228
Item 8

I was following the instructions to create an image mapped with multiple Hot Spots. But, when following the instructions at point 8 on page 228, it says for each additional hot spot (on a single image), repeat steps 2 through 7.

Actually, it should say steps 3 through 7.

There is ONLY ONE MAP NAME per image, and when I tried to do step 2 for each additional hot spot, it just
renamed the map to a different name. So, the text of the book is misleading.

A SINGLE MAP Name (that needs to be entered only once) will suffice for multiple hot spots, where each
hot spot point with a different geometry and link.

Here's the code from a map with 3 hot spots, and note that it has ONLY ONE MAP NAME:

<img src="images/Framing3.jpg" width="678" height="415" border="0" usemap="#OnlyOneMapName" />
<map name="OnlyOneMapName" id="OnlyOneMapName">
<area shape="rect" coords="5,3,271,190" href="about.html" alt="FirstHotSpot" />
<area shape="circle" coords="376,120,77" href="legal.html" alt="SecondHotSpot" />
<area shape="circle" coords="210,278,57" href="about.html" alt="ThirdHotSpot" />

Page 237
Last paragraph

In this chapter, the author states that it is not possible to make the background of your flash text/buttons/ etc, transparent. This is untrue.

The way to make the backgrounds of these files transparent is by going to the parameters option with the flash file selected. The parameter that is entered is "WMODE" and the Value is entered as "Transparent".

You will not be able to see this change however within the Dreamweaver application. You must preview the page in a browser to see that the backgrounds are indeed transparent.

Note from the Author or Editor:

The way to make the backgrounds of Flash files transparent is by going to the parameters option with the flash file selected. The parameter that is entered is "WMODE" and the Value is entered as "Transparent".

You will not be able to see this change however within the Dreamweaver application. You must preview the page in a browser to see that the backgrounds are indeed transparent.

Anonymous  Jul 30, 2008 
Page 266
3rd Paragraph

The first sentence reads "If you split a cell into columns, everything in the cell winds up in the left
column, with the new, empty column or columns to the left."

It seems like it should read "If you split a cell into columns, everything in the cell winds up in the
left column, with the new, empty column or columns to the RIGHT."

You can't have all the content and the new blank column both on the left!

Page 277
last line

last line of pg 277 reads:
....., but CSS give you an easier way.

The phrase should be: but CSS gives you an easier way.

No big deal, but a typo just the same.

Note from the Author or Editor:
last line of page:
", but CSS give you an easier way."
should read
", but CSS gives you an easier way."

Anonymous  Feb 10, 2009 
Page 309
fourth paragraph, 3rd sentence


changed to


Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 320
Under the heading "Understanding the box model"

First sentence - "It's no coincide that the float property..." I think "coincide" should probably read "coincidence".

Shannon Mahony  Dec 08, 2008 
Page 361
step 7

the footer moves to the right, not the left

Page 366
step 17

Step 17 says to create a new advance style named "#banner img" but it needs to be named "#header img"

thank you

Note from the Author or Editor:
Step 17 page 366, "Create a new advanced style named #header img."

Anonymous  Jul 29, 2008 
Page 366
first paragraph

In the tutorial it says to create a new advanced style called
#banner img . Well if you do this the page will not display properly in Internet Explorer. The correct style is #header img . This mistake cost me hours and hours of taking the tutorial over and over and going through the code to figure this out. Please save your customers a lot of grief and publish this terrible error!

Note from the Author or Editor:
This was fixed after first printing and is mentioned on the errata page at:

Anonymous  Sep 19, 2008 
Page 366
Top paragraph

17. In the CSS Style panel, click the New Style button. Create a new advanced style
named #banner img, and store it in the global.css style sheet.

* The #banner img should read #header img. <body.twoColFixLtHdr><div#container><div#header>

When attempting to apply the changes using #banner img, the change will not occur. If it is changed to #header img, the changes will be applied.

Anonymous  Sep 28, 2008 
Page 366
Step 17

"Create a new advanced style named #banner img"
changed to:
"Create a new advanced style named #header img"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 396
last paragraph

the reference to the JavaScript tutorials changed to:

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 455
Figure 11-36

The figure is not an accurate representation of what the output is. For example, the figure shows "Submit" on the button when in step 4 on p. 454 the user is told to change the value to "Signup". Also the styling of the button is not accurate--there is no special styling so it should just be a plain, unstyled button. The same is true for the "select a decade" pull-down menu. There is no special styling so the output just doesn't end up looking like Figure 11-36 stylistically.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Figure 11-36 the button should say "Sign up" not "Submit".

Anonymous  Nov 18, 2008 
Page 475
Tip, top of page

The text ".CollapsiblePanel:focus" should be ".CollapsiblePanelTab:focus".

Page 480
Line 8 in the code sample

missing close tag for <description>

changed to:

<description>Kudzu?lower vegetation.</description>

Line 17, missing the close tag </description>

changed to:

<description>One type of?steel reinforcing.</description>

"Eucalypts" changed to "Eucalyptus" (line 15)

"The" changed to "They" (line 16)

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 617
1st paragraph

(see page xx) changed to (see page 628)

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 708
Step 14 (top of page)

Step 14 on page 708: filename "water_fun.html" changed to "farming_fun.html"

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 755
1st Paragraph

The line:
"Don?t worry, it?s a lost easier than it may sound."

should be

"Don?t worry, it?s a lot easier than it may sound."

Tanpreet Singh  Apr 17, 2009 
Page 758
step 1

"Download the software at"
the URL has been changed. it should be:

Page 762
Last paragraph

"cosmo_store" changed to ?cosmo_shop?

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 766
Text within item 7

You describe the path to the cosmo_shop testing site as:
C:Program Filesxamppcosmo_shop.

That didn't work, and I spent time trying to figure out why.

The correct path is:

C:Program Filesxampphtdocscosmo_shop

Page 771
Loading a Database

It would be helpful to let the reader know to start up Apache and MySQL before proceeding with step 1.

?1. Make sure you?ve started up XAMPP (page 757) or MAMP (page 759), then in any Web browser??

Page 819
Step 2.

In step 2 of page 819, you mentioned "Click on the + button; from the pop-up menu, choose Go To Detail
Page." I could not find the "Go to Detail Page" option. Could it be named something else?

ONLY available for ASP and JSP as mentioned in NOTE on page 818.

Page 836
Below item 16

Your sentence says, "To see the results of your hard work, open the products.php page.

It should say to open the "index.php" page, because THAT is where the links are, not the products.php

Page 837
step 1

The page that needs to be opened is product.php, not products.php - same typo is also made on page 836 (second to last paragraph)

Anonymous  Sep 27, 2008 
Page 876
Step 3 the file called updated.php, but don't close the window yet.
changed to: the file called edit.php, but don't close the window yet.

Anonymous    Dec 01, 2007
Page 879
Step 10.

In the "Form field" list... this should read as "Form fields" list....

Page 879
Step 15

Serious mistake might be a little strong...but the update form won't test correctly.

The data in the sql script supplied with the book files has the "in stock" and "out of stock" inventory values. The tutorial for building the Update page (and the Insert page) has us adding values in the radio group of "In Stock" and "Back Order". See what's going to happen? The insert page works and inserts "In Stock" and that will test fine in the Update page. But the other records will not populate the radio group correctly in the Update page because the values won't match those from the supplied sql script.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Step 15 should read:
In the Label field, replace button1 with In Stock. Type 'in stock' into the value field, too.

Step 16 should read:
Click the + button to add another radio button; repeat step 15, but type 'Out of Stock' for the label, and 'out of stock' for the value of the second button.

Ty Hill  Jan 06, 2009