
Managing Projects with GNU Make

Errata for Managing Projects with GNU Make, Third Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 5
The page contains three code examples that are not labeled

* The first code sample should be labeled "count_words.c"
* The second code sample should be labeled "lexer.l"
* The third code sample should be labeled "Makefile"

The examples.tar.gz download contains the files with these names.

Page 5
Twice: on the second line in example 'makefile' and on the last line of the page

first two lines of the make file should read:
count_words: count_words.o lexer.o -lfl
gcc count_words.o lexer.o -lfl -o count_words

and last line on the page should be:
gcc count_words.o lexer.o -lfl -o count_words

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 12
Last paragraph

Before the last paragraph starting "Finally," add this paragraph:

<para> When mp_make expands a wildcard (or indeed when mp_make
looks for any file), it reads and caches the directory contents.
This caching improves mp_make's performance considerably.
However, once mp_make has read and cached the directory contents,
mp_make will not "see" any changes made to the directory. This
can be a mysterious source of errors in a mp_makefile. The issue
can sometimes be resolved by using a sub-shell and globbing
(e.g., shell wildcards) rather than mp_make's own wildcards, but
occasionally, this is not possible and we must resort to bizarre
hacks. </para>

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 16
"Variables" section.

In general, a variable name must be surrounded by $() to be recognized by make.
should be:
In general, a variable name must be surrounded by $() or ${} to be recognized by make.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 16
fifth line from bottom

"There are six core automatic variables:"
should be:
"There are seven core automatic variables:"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 18
2nd code snippet

#ifdef COUNTER_H_
should be:
#ifndef COUNTER_H_

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 19
middle of page

"... Unless you direct it otherwise, make will look in the current directory for its targets and prerequisites."
should be:
"... Unless you direct it otherwise, make will look only in the current directory for its targets and prerequisites."

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 20

Immediately after "CPPFLAGS = -I include" add

"and changing occurrences of gcc to gcc$(CPPFLAGS). Now the build succeeds:"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 20
1/2 way down page, "vpath statements"

vpath %.c src
vpath %.h include

Should be:

vpath %.c src
vpath %.l src
vpath %.h include

Also, the next sentence needs to be updated to say:
Now we've told make that it should search for .c and .l files in the src directory...

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 21
line 6 and 7 from bottom

The third implicit rule used:
%: %.c
$(LINK.c) ...

should be:
%: %.o
$(LINK.o) ...

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 21
Second from bottom: "When we ..."

"two line makefile"
should be:
"seven line makefile"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 23
Static Pattern Rules

$(OBJECTS): %.o: %c
should be
$(OBJECTS): %.o: %.c

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 25
line 6

"An implicit rule is either a pattern rule or a suffix rule (which we will discuss briefly later)."
should be:
"An implicit rule is either a pattern rule or a suffix rule.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 25
Section "The Implicit Rules Database"

Add the following to the end of the section in the middle of page 27:

The implicit rules database contains a lot of rules and
even very large projects rarely use most of it. Because it
contains such a wide variety, rules you didn't expect to fire may
be used by make in unexpected ways. As a preventative
measure, some large projects choose to discard the implicit rules
entirely in favor of their own hand-crafted rules. You can do
this easily with the --no-builtin-rules (or -r) option.
(I have never had to use this option even on the largest
projects.) If you use this option, you may also want to consider
using --no-builtin-variables (or -R).

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 29
Section "A Simple Help Command"

text should be changed to:

# help - The default goal
.PHONY: help
$(MAKE) --print-data-base --question no-such-target |
$(GREP) -v -e '^no-such-target' -e '^makefile' |
$(AWK) '/^[^.%][-A-Za-z0-9_]*:/
{ print substr($$1, 1, length($$1)-1) }' |
$(SORT) |
$(PR) --omit-pagination --width=80 --columns=4</programlisting>

The command script consists of a single pipeline. The make rule database is dumped using the
--print-data-base command. Using the --question option prevents make from running any
actual commands. Specifying a target of no-such-target (instead of the default target) ensures
that running the makefile recursively does not trigger infinite recursion. The grep command
filters out the bogus target and the makefile itself (which appears as a rule in the database dump). ...

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 29
"help:" rule

add a "@" to the $(MAKE) command

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 36
second code excerpt

should read:

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 46

The last sentence before the code in middle of page explains why and how this books uses
the term "macro". But immediately after the code "variable" is used as an interchangeable term
for "macro". If we understood the author correctly, the first 3 occurences of "variable"
(on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd line after the code) should be replaced by "macro". (The fourth occurence
of "variable" (on line 3-4) would not be changed.)

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 50
Section "Target- and Pattern-Specific Variables"

Add to the bottom of page 50:

When the gui.o target is finished, CPPFLAGS will revert to its original value.
Pattern-specific variables are similar, only they are specified in
a pattern rule (see page 21).

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 51
1/2 way down

"Each variable assignment on the command line must be a single-shell argument."
should be:
"Each variable assignment on the command line must be a single shell argument."

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 52
near bottom

"The export and unexport directives work the same way their counterparts in sh work."
should be:
"The mp_export and mp_unexport directives work the same way the mp_sh commands mp_export and mp_unset work.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 53
last line before last code

"using the $? form"
"using the ?= form"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 55
2/3 of the way down, "ifeq" example

ifeq "$(strip $(OPTIONS)) "-d"
should be:
ifeq "$(strip $(OPTIONS))" "-d"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 57
Insert this paragraph just before "Standard Make Variables"

<para> It is worth noting that using an include directive
before the first target in a makefile might change the default
goal. That is, if the include file contains any targets at
all the first of those targets will become the default goal for
the makefile. This can be avoided by simply placing the
desired default goal before the include (even without
prerequisites or targets):

# Ensure all is the default goal.


# Now that we have our variables defined, complete the all target.
all: $(programs)

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 70
last line

One closing parantheses too much.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 72
first function

"$wildcard pattern...)" -> "$(wildcard pattern...)"
[opening parantheses is missing)

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 72
last line (of code)

One closing parantheses too much.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 73
the example

$(filter 1 $(words

is missing a comma after the "1"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 98
mid of page

The tags for the format "Replaceable" shouldn't be printed.
should be:
(2nd directory should be in italics)

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 113
1st code example on the page

$(MAKE) --directory=$$f clean;

Should be changed to:

$(MAKE) --directory=$$d clean;

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 127
para 5

" up your site."
should read:
" up to your site."

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 127
Figure 6.2

Please update the figure so the second folder containing "1.0" reads "1.1".

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 161
3rd paragraph

Suffice to say that the prerequisite all.javas contains a list of all java files to be compiled.
Suffice to say that the prerequisite all.javas, which is the value of the variable all_javas, contains a list of all java files to be compiled.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 165
middle of page

The macro labeled "define file-exists-eval" should be terminated with "endef" like
all the other macros.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 178
3rd paragraph

"The compile-bean function comaccepts..." that last word should be just "accepts"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 179
example middle of page

The second definition of bean_files omits the two xml files included in the first

It should look like this:

src_dirs := $(SOURCE_DIR)/com/company/...

bean_files = \
$(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/%,%, \
$(addsuffix /*.class, \
$(sort \
$(dir \
$(wildcard \
$(addsuffix /*,$(src_dirs))))))) \
src/com/company/bean/ejb-jar.xml \

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 181
last example

All the files listed as ".jar" should be ".class"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 237
Makefile snippet after 1st paragraph, 4th line

shopt -s nullglob &&
should have a trailing backslash:
shopt -s nullglob && \

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 240
code in mid of page

"$ make debug PATH SHELL"
should be:
"$ make debug USERNAME SHELL"

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009
Page 253
about 16 lines up from bottom

The <literal> and </literal> tags shouldn't be printed.

Anonymous    Jun 01, 2009