
Python & XML

Errata for Python & XML

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 25
5th full paragraph (Under "The ASCII character set" heading)

In the second sentence the word "ever" should be replaced with the word "every".
ASCII is understood by virtually ever computer in use.
should be:
ASCII is understood by virtually every computer in use.

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 33
3rd full paragraph

In the second sentence the word "on" should be replaced with the word "of".
...processing instruction is entirely a matter on convention; the...
should say:
...processing instruction is entirely a matter of convention; the...

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 36
6th paragraph

The first sentence, which begins with
"We can break up the declaration in particular systactic components..."
should read:
"We can break up the declaration into particular syntactic components..."

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 52
code example at the bottom of the page

In the last line of the <body> element replace the word "exhibition" with the word "expedition."

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 53
-- first code snippet -- change the following

# - ArticleHandler (add to file)
class ArticleHandler(ContentHandler):
A handler to deal with articles in XML

to this:
from xml.sax.handler import ContentHandler

class ArticleHandler(ContentHandler):
"""A handler to deal with articles in XML"""


*** p. 54 -- Remove the following line of output from
the top of the page:

Start element: title

*** p55, Example 3-3, first line:
Change "XML.sax.handler" to "xml.sax.handler" (all lower case).

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 56
last output paragraph

The body part of the outpur from the program is too long. It
should end after "completed " because self.body=self.body[:78]+

If you also used the spacing indentation in the article.xml example the
body part text should stop at "NASA has com"

*** No change required for reprint. But for confirmed errata page

The exact end of the text will depend on the specific indentation used
in the article.xml file, as well as whether the indentation uses
space or tab characters.

*** p. 57-58 -- All double-underscores "__" in code and prose
should have a hair-space between the underscores. Would it be
possible to search all of Chapter 3 for this and fix all of them?

*** p60, Example 3-4. 9th line on page:
"def __init__(..." should be indented two spaces.

*** p68, Example 3-6, replace the first 11 lines:
from xml.sax import ContentHandler

class SAXThumbs(ContentHandler):
This is the SAX handler that generates a full-
image display (an .html page) for each image file
contained in the XML file.

It also adds an anchor on the thumbs page showing
the thumbnail, and linking to the big image page
that was created first.
with these 11 lines:
import os

from xml.sax import ContentHandler

class SAXThumbs(ContentHandler):
This is the SAX handler that generates a full-image display (an
.html page) for each image file contained in the XML file.

It also adds an anchor on the thumbs page showing the thumbnail,
and linking to the big image page that was created first.

*** p68, Example 3-6, last 5 lines on page should be replaced with:
fullImageFile = os.path.join(dir, localname[2:]) + ".html"
print "Will create:", fullImageFile

fullImageHTML = ('<html><body><img src="%s%s"></body></html>
% (localname[2:], ext))
Please keep all lines at current indentation.

*** p75, Example 3-9, startElement() method:
The "print" statement should be commented out; change:

print "* Processing:", s


# print "* Processing:", s

Please maintain same indentation of line as we have now.

*** p. 98 -- fix the 2 "__" on this page by inserting hair spaces.

*** p. 100 -- fix the 2 "__" on this page by inserting hair spaces.

*** p153, command line example at bottom of page, first line should be:
C:>python order.xml

In other words, change "$ " at beginning of line to "C:>"

*** p155, new_element_type() method, replace:
def new_element_type(self, elem_name, elem_cont):
print "New Element Type Declaration: ", elem_name,
"Content Model: ", elem_cont
def new_element_type(self, elem_name, elem_cont):
print "New Element Type Declaration: ", elem_name
print "Content Model: ", elem_cont

*** p168, command line example in the middle of the page should be:
C:9780596001285c7>python BillSummary.xml

In other words change "c6" to "c7"

*** p173, Example 7-14, 3/4 of the way down the page, the line:

flatfile = query.getvalue("flatfile", "")[0]

should be:

flatfile = query.getvalue("flatfile", "")

In other words, drop the "[0]" at the end. Please maintain the
same indentation.

*** p174, Example 7-14, near the end, the line:

if veh.errors:

should read:

if hasattr(veh, "errors") and veh.errors:

{sample code -}
the line -
print " of " + totalsize
should be
print " of ", totalsize

Page 178
3rd paragraph following Business Process and Modeling

U of UML is the initial of "Unified".

*** p193, Example 8-4, halfway down the page, change:

req = HTTP("") # change to your IP or localhost


req = HTTP("") # change to a different IP if needed

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 205
last sentence of 1st paragraph

Duplicate word "shared".

p. 233 -- paragraph under "Getting Profiles" -- change last
sentence to read:

In a simple test case (in the file <I></I>), you
could use the methods as follows:

p. 233 -- command line at bottom of the page -- change from:

G:9780596001285c10> python

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 236
Last sentence of 1st paragraph

Extra "you": "...the order you in which you..."

p. 239 -- first code example -- the line "else:" is out-dented
by one space; it should be moved right one space so that "else:"
lines up with "if e is not None:"

*** p244, Example 10-2, 1/3 of the way down the page, change:

raise exception.Exceptions("SQL Exec failed.")


raise Exception("SQL Exec failed.")

Please maintain current indentation of line.

p. 261 -- code example at the top of the page (cont. from
previous page) -- "if(dom):" should be changed to simply
"if dom:" (no change to alignment)

*** p. 266-267 -- fix the various "__" on these pages by inserting
hair spaces.

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 268
Line -2 in Example 10-11

Typo in print statement:
"Reponse: "
should be:
"Response: "

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 269

should be

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 271
6th line from the bottom

should be

*** p273, Example 10-12, echoResponse() method, near bottom of page,

self.wfile.write("</xml></font><font face="arial,verdana,helvetica"
" size="4">Body:<br><xmp>")


self.wfile.write('</xml></font><font face="arial,verdana,helvetica"'
' size="4">Body:<br><xmp>')

Please maintain current indentation of lines.

*** p285, Example 10-15, halfway down the page, change:

id = CustProfElement.getAttributeNS('', "id")


id = CustProfElement.getAttributeNS(None, "id")

Please maintain current indentation of line.

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013
Page 291
3rd line in 2nd paragraph

should be

*** p. 294 -- fix the various "__" on this page by inserting
hair spaces.

Anonymous    Nov 08, 2013