
Docker: Up & Running

Errata for Docker: Up & Running, Third Edition

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The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page Chapter 2. The Docker Landscape - Process simplification
Figure 2.1

The steps detailing the cycle of getting an application to production. Specifically step 7 states: "Loop over steps 5 and 6 n more times". Yet the diagram in Figure 2-1 loops from steps 4 - 6. Depending on the correct process either the step or the diagram should be updated to match each other.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Committing fix.

Fabián Andrés Sánchez Molina  Apr 11, 2023  Apr 13, 2023
Page Chapter 4, "Anatomy of a Dockerfile"
4th paragraph

To match the the previous sentence and the code snippet that follows

> The following base image will provide you with an Ubuntu Linux image running Node 11.11.x:

should read:

> The following base image will provide you with an Ubuntu Linux image running Node 18.13.0:

Note from the Author or Editor:
Verified and fixed.

Alfred Myers  Nov 20, 2023  Jan 12, 2024
O'Reilly learning platform
Page Exploring Docker Compose
Launching Services

Repo "rocketchat-hubot-demo"
- mongodb-rocketchat:/bitnami/mongodb

docker compose up -d
[+] Running 0/0
⠋ Network compose_botnet Created 0.1s
external volume "mongodb-rocketchat" not found

The volume mongodb-rocketchat must be created firstly.

Daniel Mendoza  Jan 30, 2024  Mar 08, 2024
O'Reilly learning platform
Page Starting a container
In the first code block where a redis container is created

The book creates a container using `docker container create -p 6379:6379 redis:2.8`. However, the command's output indicates `redis:7.0` was downloaded.

Juan Ramon Espinosa Lopez  Feb 14, 2024  Mar 08, 2024
O'Reilly learning platform
Page Starting a container
In the second code block

The command `docker container ls -a --filter ancestor=redis:2.8` lists all containers that share a given image (redis:2.8). However, the output of the command shows `redis:7.0` instead.

Juan Ramon Espinosa Lopez  Feb 14, 2024  Mar 08, 2024
O'Reilly learning platform
Page Starting a container
In the first note

The note explains most docker commands will work using the full hash of the container (092c5dc850446324e…a37299d35fc67a042) or even just enough of the hash to make it unique. It finalizes the note saying that the command `docker container start 6b7` would have just worked fine. However, the command would not work as "6b7" is not found anywhere in the container's hash.

Juan Ramon Espinosa Lopez  Feb 14, 2024  Mar 08, 2024
Page Pausing and Unpausing a Container
2nd paragraph

The text "Unlike stopping a container, where the processes are made aware that they are stopping via the SIGSTOP signal" should be "Unlike stopping a container, where the processes are made aware that they are stopping via the SIGTERM signal".

Juan Ramon Espinosa Lopez  Feb 18, 2024  Mar 08, 2024
Printed, ePub, Mobi, O'Reilly learning platform, Other Digital Version
Page Acknowledgements page
8th bullet point down

Raju Gandhi's name is spelled incorrectly. His last name is: Gandhi. The current spelling has Ghandi.

John Devins  Jul 02, 2024 
Page Layers Are Additive
After 1st paragraph in "Notes" section

using docker image build --squash . This will deleted files actually disappear and...

I think there is a word missing:
"This will make (?) deleted files..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
This already had a minor fix applied, but let's rework this sentence so that it reads like this:

This will cause all of the files that were deleted in the intermediate layers to actually disappear from the final image and can therefore recover a lot of wasted space, but it also means that the whole layer must be downloaded by every system that requires it, even when only a single line of source code was updated, so there are real trade-offs to using this approach.

Anonymous  Jan 06, 2023  Apr 13, 2023