
iPhone: The Missing Manual

Errata for iPhone: The Missing Manual, Thirteenth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 000
Not an error

The SE 2 I got—my first smartphone—was frustrating to type on with my fingers, although mine aren’t fat. Things improved greatly when I started using a stylus. (And even more when I got a Magic Keyboard—but that’s another story.) I suggest that you mention that using a stylus is an option. Here’s the one I got:

“Capacitive Stylus Pen-Dinines Fine Point Stylus Touch Screen Pens for All Capacitive Cell Phones, Tablets, Laptops; Bundle with 6 Replacement Tips”
$14 for a 2-pack. Rated 4.5 stars on 310 reviews

(Note—Apple says somewhere that its Electric pencil can’t be used as this sort of stylus.)

FWIW: I keep one stylus in an adhesive-backed “pocket” whose tip I cut off so it would be a bit shorter than the SE 2 and stuck to the back of it. This is the pocket:

“Mercase Stylus Holder Compatible with Apple Pencil 1 & 2; Reusable and Removable Adhesive Elastic Stylus Pocket for Stylus Pens - Black”
$9. Rated 4.8 stars on eight reviews.

Roger Knights   May 25, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
midpage (this and above are plugged because not for book)

This is not a problem with book, but for online "Missing CD." In the entries for Chapter 4 you include a link back to an item from Edition 9 regarding how one can make custom ringtones using GarageBand. I am not sure you can still do this. If you can, the instructions our woefully out of date to the point of not being able to be followed. I am using iOS 13 and MacOS High Sierra.


Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Luke Bailey  Jun 27, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 3
2nd-to-last paragraph

The second sentence states,
"Click the Missing CDs link, and then click the book's title to reveal...."

It should state,
"Click the Missing CDs link, and then click the Missing CD-ROM link next to this book's title to reveal...."

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Richard Gross  Jul 03, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 3
Last paragraph

The first sentence states,
" see them, click the book's title, and then click View/Submit Errata."

It should state,
" see them, click the Missing CD-ROM link next to this book's title, and then, at the very top of the webpage in the upper right corner, click either of the two links, "View Errata for this book" or "Submit your own Errata". [Which is another mistake, because both links go to the same webpage.]

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Richard Gross  Jul 03, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 16
penultimate line

“on the iPhone SE it’s on the top”
But it’s not on the SE 2
Revise in your next printing

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 17
1st paragraph under "The Lock Screen," last (2nd) sentence

The text states:
"...called the Lock screen (below, left)."

It should state:
"...called the Lock screen (page 18, left)."

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Richard Gross  Jul 03, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 17
1st paragraph under "The Lock Screen," last (2nd) sentence

The text states:
"...called the Lock screen (below, left)."

It should state:
"...called the Lock screen (page 18, left)."

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Richard Gross  Jul 03, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 21
2nd paragraph, first line

“the side button is also involved in turning off fingerprint or face recognition (page 57)”
I don’t see anything on page 57 about the side button.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 08, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 21
last line

“next to the volume keys”
append “above, right”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 12, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 25
last paragraph, first line

“A tiny LED lamp appears next to this back lens”
No clear referent for “this”. Be more specific.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint  May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 30
last bulleted item, second line

“plug the dock’s USB cable into the included two-prong outlet”
But the dock doesn’t and can’t have a cable, does it?

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights  May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 44
NOTE, second paragraph, penultimate line

you say that an “Apple pencil” could be used as a stylus on an iPhone. But when I looked the Apple pencil up on Amazon, (both versions), it stated that it would not work on an iPhone.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 69
bulleted item “Show Preview”, second line

“(described earlier)”
change to “(see page 67)”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 75
TIP, first line

“This setting engages DND even when you’re or in the passenger seat”
delete “or”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 94
2nd half of page, 3rd paragraph under the heading line

You describe abbreviation expansion in MS Office and add-on apps, strangely not mentioning that it already exists on the Mac.

I'm annoyed that my SE 2 iPhone isn't picking up the 600 abbreviations I've created on my Mac. Maybe it's that I don't yet have Catalina installed, but only El Capitan. If Catalina "syncs" the Mac's list with the iphone's, please mention it in your next edition. If it doesn't sync, needle Apple about Why Not.

Roger Knights   May 30, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 95
penultimate line

“except on the smaller iPhone SE”
Does that apply to the SE 2?

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 115
first paragraph, last sentence

“Meanwhile features like … have turned Apple’s iPhone from an also-ran into one of the most useful gadgets ever …”
The iPhone was never an also-ran; it was a latecomer or newcomer.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 129
first bulleted item, first line

“Dial the number”
“Dial” connotes “calling,” which isn’t being done
change to “Key in”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 143
penultimate bulleted item, first line

“You can forward the number to one of the web-based services that answers your voicemail ….”
That’s not correct
change to “You can forward the call to the number of one of the …”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 155
item 3, 4th line

“The idea is to prevent some evildoer … to secretly pair his earpiece ….”
not idiomatic
change to “The idea is to prevent some evildoer … from secretly pairing his earpiece ….”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 182
first line

“And even if you press the button …”
what button? no referent

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 185
TIP, first line

“The web is full of wider, crazier, more interesting assortments”
shouldn’t “wider” be “wilder”?

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 190
Item 1, 2nd paragraph, penultimate line

“when you hold your phone up against an NFC sticker”
Huh? NFC needs explication; sticker needs page refs to 215, 218, and 219

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 04, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 200
paragraph preceding the 3 bulleted items, and those items as well

It’s not clear which terms among these are synonymous and which are not: exchanges, text, message, conversation.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 15, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 234
TIP, first line

“VoiceOver is especially great at reading your Books titles out loud.”
delete “titles”
It confusingly suggests that ONLY the titles will be read.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 10, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 247
2nd sentence of 2nd paragraph of “Reachability”

Missing Arrow and word ...... It should say:
Settings —> Accessibility —> Touch —> Reachability

Aileen  Dec 16, 2019  Jan 17, 2020
Page 248
2nd bulleted item, 2nd line

either insert “time” before “window” or change “window” to “time span”
unclear at present

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 10, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 262
first bulleted item, last paragraph, 2nd line

“You can even download songs for playback”
append “later”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 08, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 277

On the online Missing CD page for the manual the Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 links to the appendix PDFs both point to the same file. The PDF for playing music from your computer is missing.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is now corrected. The Ch 8 PDF is at

Ron Bouchard   Mar 06, 2020  Mar 31, 2020
Page 285
NOTE, 2nd line

“the notch”
shouldn’t you qualify this by saying it applies only to Face ID phones?

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 10, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 314
1st paragraph

The last sentence in parentheses: "(A new O button appears too...")

On my iPhone 11 running iOS 13.6, that additional button does not appear until you trigger the Record Lock as explained in the next paragraph.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd Printing, 9/14/20

Don McCready  Jul 30, 2020  Sep 11, 2020
Page 315
3rd bulleted item, 2nd line

“pinch two fingers on the screen, like you would to magnify a photo”
change “like” to “as”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 24, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 316
Middle paragraph: "The Video Light"

The LED light can only be enabled or disabled. There is no "On" selection that shows up when you press the icon. If enabled, the system detects if light is needed and turns it on/off as needed.

(iPhone 11, iOS 13.6)

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd Printing, 9/14/20

Don McCready  Jul 30, 2020  Sep 11, 2020
Page 328
first heading line

“Working with Photos”
change to “Working with Individual Photos”
That’s the point of what follows. “Individual” is necessary because “Photos” is the name of the whole app.

Roger Knights   May 24, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 342
3rd paragraph, last line

“page 378”
change to “page 379”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd Printing, 9/14/20

Roger Knights   Jul 18, 2020  Sep 11, 2020
Page 357
last bulleted item

But Apple’s advice (Google for it) is to press them “at the same time” and then “quickly release them.”
This method works. Yours doesn’t.

Roger Knights  Jul 17, 2020  Sep 11, 2020
Page 357
penultimate paragraph, 3rd line

“The screenshot winds up in Photos, in the Screenshots album.”

Not in the SE 2 it doesn’t. It winds up in Recents, even if I created a Screenshots album for it.

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd Printing, 9/14/20

Roger Knights   Jul 18, 2020  Sep 11, 2020
Page 392-93
last paragraph on 392, first two paragraphs on 393

“Reading Goals”
Add to the Index under Books
It’s not there, or under Reading or Goals
PS: maybe describe how to turn off

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 16, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 393
first bulleted item, first line

change to “folders”
There are no “folders” to which these are subordinate, are there?

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 15, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 394
first paragraph, penultimate line

“Share Book (send a link to buy it)”
after “link”, insert “to someone else”
or clarify in some other way

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 15, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 399
4th paragraph, last word

change to “below”
more conventional, more accurate, and works across pages conventionally

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 15, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 473
first bulleted item, last line

“described already”
append “on pg 468”

Roger Knights   Jun 01, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 477
Under heading “Voice Memos”, first line

“The audio app (probably in your Extras folder)”
Your index contains no entries for audio app, app–audio, extras, folders–extra, or recording.
On the SE 2 it’s in the Utilities folder, along with three other utilities.

Roger Knights   May 24, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 490
last bulleted item, last line

change the semicolon to a colon
the subsequent phrase is a “fulfillment” or “delivery” of the lead-in phrase

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 08, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 498
item 2, first line

append “above” to the first sentence

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 08, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 513
first paragraph, last line

“paste into another program”
Is “program” the right word?

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 16, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 523-24
2nd bulleted item on 523, 1st, 3rd, and 4th bulleted items on 524

These items do not appear in the illustration on 523. (Except for a sliver of the first item.)

Roger Knights   May 16, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 539
2nd paragraph, 2nd line

Should be shown in orange, not black

Roger Knights   May 17, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 548
5th paragraph, first line

"at left"
Change to "at lower left"

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 3rd Printing, 9/14/20

Roger Knights   Jul 26, 2020  Sep 11, 2020
Page 567
NOTE, 2nd line

There’s no such item on the SE 2.

Roger Knights   May 24, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 610
2nd paragraph, last line

“lower right”
insert “prior page,” ahead of those words

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 08, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 610
second paragraph, second line

“Allow CarPlay While Locked”
Shouldn’t the above be printed in orange?

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   Jun 01, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 647
3rd bulleted item, first line

insert “SE 2”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 09, 2020  Jul 10, 2020
Page 671
penultimate paragraph, first line

”If, during those two years”
change to ”If, during those one or two years”

Note from the Author or Editor:
fixed in 7/20 reprint

Roger Knights   May 12, 2020  Jul 10, 2020