
Ansible: Up and Running

Errata for Ansible: Up and Running, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
webservers.yml graphic

The 'webservers.yml' graphic component describes the following playbook:

notify: restart nginx
- name: notify nginx

As far as I know, these two should correspond. So either 'restart' or 'notify' on both occasions.

Kind regards,

P. Winkelmolen

Note from the Author or Editor:
The graphic Figure 1-1 must be changed: In the graphic, the part "- name: notify nginx" should be replaced by "- name: restart nginx"

Anonymous  Sep 12, 2017  Sep 28, 2017
Chapter 2, Creating a Custom Home Page

Following along with the examples in hm17 “Ansible: Up and Running,” 2nd Edition, Lorin Hochstein, Rene Moser, 2017,
hm17 > Playbooks: A Beginning > A Very Simple Playbook > Creating a Custom Home Page

the anticipated variable expansion with {{ ansible_managed }} does not occur.

Researching the problem I found a back level Ansible document reference
that suggest placing the following line in the ansible.cfg file
ansible_managed = Ansible managed: file modified on Y-m-d H:MS by uid on host

With that change, my results are congruent with the book’s “Figure 2-2. Rendered HTML”.

Note, the current Ansible documentation
does not provide the setting for ansible_managed used in the book.

Thank you for your consideration and a very useful book.
warm regards, Chris

Note from the Author or Editor:
Because of changes to the behavior of the ansible_managed variable, we're going to change this example, like so:

- <p>{{ ansible_managed }}</p>
+ <p>Running on {{ inventory_hostname }}</p>

Chris Clark  Sep 06, 2017  Sep 28, 2017
Page 131
General Note

You can find them in the code samples on GitHub... in the "roles" directory. There isn't a "ch08" directory.

Specific link:

Note from the Author or Editor:
The github repository has been updated so that the "ch08" directory appears.

Michael Cambria  Oct 12, 2017 
Page 148
Example 9-13, in task "copy SSL keys"

SSL keys are transferred to remote host with permission mode 0644.

It would be more secure to use permissions 0600 or 0640 to limit who can read the private keys. Certainly they should not be readable for everyone.

Line as it is in the book:

mode: 0644

Note from the Author or Editor:
You're right, it would be more secure if instead the permission was set to:

mode: 0600

Anonymous  Apr 24, 2018 
Page 161
Last paragraph of code

src: "{{ item.domain }}.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/nginx/conf.d/{{ item.domain }}.conf

There was a closing quote missing in the dest section, so the playbook cannot run, and the syntax highlight in the playbook already indicated that there was a quote missing.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Missing quote should be appended to dest, as mentioned (fixed in the source).

Lingjie  May 29, 2019 
Page 182
Example 9-11 wrapped top of page

Example 9-12 references variable vhosts_absent whereas example 9-11 defines absent_vhosts

Note from the Author or Editor:
Example 9-11 should be changed to vhosts_absent to be consistent.

Mike Phelps  Jan 14, 2018