
Learning Web Design

Errata for Learning Web Design, Fifth Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xi
1st paragraph

Sentence "Wander through the museum, past the
ancient mainframes and the story of the punch card, and you’ll eventually
find yourself at the beginning of the Wide World Web."

Wide World Web instead of World Wide Web.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed! It should read "World Wide Web" in the 5th line.

Anonymous  Mar 07, 2020  Jul 24, 2020
Other Digital Version
ch06/finished exercises/jenskitchen/index.html

the error is not on the book but on the online materials.

salmon.html has a broken link to the index.html
couscous.html has a broken link to the index.html
index.html has a broken link to about.html

Note from the Author or Editor:
I will confirm that the links are working in the files that I maintain. No changes to the book pages.

Anonymous  Jun 29, 2020  Oct 16, 2020
Page Copyright page
Pre-last paragraph.

Not exactly typos in book content. On the copyright page, there are some mentions of "O'Reilly Media, Inc". Two of them don't have spaces and written as "O’ReillyMedia, Inc". In the parts "“O’Reilly Digital Studio” and related trade dress are trademarks of O’ReillyMedia, Inc." and "Where those designations appear in this book, and O’ReillyMedia, Inc. was aware of a trademark claim,"

Note from the Author or Editor:
It looks like there should be spaces between O'Reilly and Media in all instances, but I'm not sure if there is a legal reason for combining them in some instances (I did not write this copy). Please confirm and make corrections as you deem necessary.

Anonymous  Jan 20, 2021  Dec 10, 2021
Page 57
Introducing Unicode Sidebar

"UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32—that differ in the number of bytes used to represent the characters (1, 2, or 3, respectively)"

UTF-32 requires 4 bytes, not 3.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. It should be four, not three.
"Introducing Unicode" sidebar: end of 2nd para., change last line to:

(1, 2, or 4, respectively).

Peer Reynders  Oct 11, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 66
Figure 4-16. The Black Goose Bistro page after CSS style rules have been applied.

The border line that appears below the Black Goose Bistro heading (h1) does not appear at all even though the css code exists:

"border-bottom: 1px solid #57b1dc;"

Other related images (Figures 4-1, 4-14 and 4-18) however have this line appearing in the images.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The heading in the Figure *does* have the rule in the print version. Can you replace the PDF figure with the version that is in the printed book? Thank you.

Enoch Kobla Torkpo  Jun 29, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 73
Outline at top of page

The indentation of the outline is confusing.

I believe sections "1. Description" and "2. History", along with their respective text, should be indented to show they're nested beneath the "1. Baskerville" third-level heading.

Note from the Author or Editor:
I agree that the indentation could be more clear. Please indent the second-to-last line so that the "2." is left-aligned with the second line in the outline ("1. Serif Typefaces").

The last line should stay aligned with "Sans-serif" as it is currently (i.e., it moves to the right along with the realigned item). Increasing the amount of indent for every level may help make the structure more visually clear as well.

Anonymous  Apr 16, 2020  Jul 24, 2020
Page 126
EXERCISE 6-8. Linking to a fragment

The exercise materials:
LWD5e_materials/ch06/Exercise 6-8/glossary.html
LWD5e_materials/ch06/finished exercises/glossary-done.html

Are still marked up as XHTML 1.0, not HTML5.

Note from the Author or Editor:
These exercise files were carried over from the 3rd or 4th edition when XHTML was all the rage. No changes are needed to the book files. I have updated the two .html documents and uploaded them to the materials for 5e online.

Anonymous  Oct 12, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 149
"When to use x-descriptors" section, 3rd line

Change "x-selectors" to "x-descriptors"

reason, x-descriptors are best used for images...

Jennifer Robbins
Jennifer Robbins
Oct 26, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 165

"table markup using Flexbox and Grid Layout techniques (see Chapter 1, CSS Layout with Flexbox and Grid)."

Should be

Chapter 16


Chapter 1

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is correctly "Chapter 16" in the print book, but it may be incorrect in the PDF. I don't have access to it, so please check and correct it if necessary.

Anonymous  Oct 15, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 172
10th line from bottom of page in script


Missing forward slash: </thead>

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please change the 8th line of code example at the bottom of the page to read </thead> instead of <thead>

Jen  Apr 12, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 185
Figure 9.3, 2nd & 3rd

a. 2nd paragraph:
Multiline text-entry field with text content (input type="textarea")
maybe should be:
Multiline text-entry field with text content (<textarea ...>The band is totally awesome!"</textarea>)

b. 3rd paragraph:
Multiline text-entry field with placeholder text (input type="textarea")
maybe should be:
Multiline text-entry field with placeholder text (<textarea ... placeholder="50 words or less" ...></textarea>)

Note from the Author or Editor:
This isn't exactly an error, but I do like the suggestion. The real problem is that I should have made Figure 9-3 two separate figures so that the "textarea" samples followed their respective discussion on the next page. The reader suggests putting more of the code in the captions, which I think is a good patch.

In the middle figure of 9-3, change the caption to read (with code in parens set in constant width font):
Multiline text-entry field with text content
(<textarea ...>The band is totally awesome!"</textarea>)

In the bottom figure of 9-3, change the caption to read (with constant width code):
Multiline text-entry field with placeholder text
(<textarea ... placeholder="50 words or less" ...></textarea>)

Remove space below the figure and within it, if necesssary, to accommodate the two extra lines of code in the caption. Do not resize the figure. Do not allow new page breaks.

Anonymous  Nov 21, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 189
Under "Drop-Down Suggestions", the paragraph:

<p>Education completed: <input type="text" list="edulevel" name="education">

it is missing a closing tag "</p>" at the end of the paragraph.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please add </p> at end of paragraph element.

Anonymous  Jul 05, 2018  Aug 03, 2018
Page 191
Figure 9-9

"Name the text fields **customername**, **address**, **telephone**, **email** and **instructions**, respectively. "

pizza.php is actually coded for




Note from the Author or Editor:
Yep! There is a mismatch between the Figure instructions and what is in the .php file that processes the form.

Leave the book as-is. I think I'm going to just change the script to match the book. That way, it will work for people who already have the book.

I will just have to change the "final" .html file that is included in the materials for this chapter. I think this is the best way to handle this.

Anonymous  Oct 15, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 191
exercise 9-1

I have bought the Learning Web Design (5th edition) and found one mistake in chapter 9.

on the page 191 we have exercise 9-1 "Starting the pizza order form" with a yellow note: Name the controls in this section crust, toppings[], and number

on the page 197 we have block with

<select name="pizzas" size="1"> accepts "pizzas" as well.

could you please fix on the page 191 in a yellow note to
".. crust, toppings[], and pizzas"

Note from the Author or Editor:
There is a discrepancy between the name suggested in Figure 9-9 and the instructions in Exercise 9-3 (p.197). It is easier to change the text than the figure, so I suggest changing the code in the example to use the name "number" instead of "pizzas".
<select name="number" size="1">

Aliaksandr Sebiashuk  Apr 26, 2021  Dec 10, 2021
Page 192
Exercise 9-1. #3

The numbers are wrong

In this exercise, we'll work on the “Your information” section of the form. Start with the first FOUR (should be “five”) shourt text-entry form controls that are marked up appropriately as an unordered list. Here's the first one; you insert the other THREE (should be “four”).

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please change "four" to "five" and "three" to "four" as noted.

Anonymous  Jul 05, 2018  Aug 03, 2018
Page 194
Exercise 9-2


"Be sure the variable name for each is toppings[]"

It would be useful to at least in a footnote allude to fact that the naming convention stems from PHP (i.e. pizza.php) and has nothing to do with HTML checkbox inputs.

As it stands it's confusing why the preceding example would simply use


while the exercise requires a "[]" suffix for


Note from the Author or Editor:
Great suggestion!
On page 194, add the following note (using the NoteTipHeader and Note paragraph styles) in the column to the left of the exercise text. In the ebook, insert the note after numbered list item 2. "toppings[]" should be in Literal,fc (code) character style.

The toppings[] variable name has brackets at the end because it follows a PHP naming convention. It is only a coincidence that it resembles a checkbox.

Anonymous  Oct 16, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 198
Last paragraph, 3rd sentence

HTML5 introduced six

Typo: five

Only five new date- and time-related input types found in chapter: date, time, datetime-local, month, week

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please change "six" to "five"

Jen  Apr 12, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 205
Exercise 9-3 #4

The “name=”fullname”” is incorrect. In the previous exercise 9-1, below #3, you have it as “name=”customername””.

In exercies 9-3 #4, you need to go in and edit it, delete “fullname” and put “customername” to what was already declared as “name=”customername”” in exercise 9-1.

Note from the Author or Editor:
In the code example in #4, change name="fullname" to name="customername"

Anonymous  Jul 05, 2018  Aug 03, 2018
Page 211
Under “textarea”:

I believe this is wrong:


Shouldn't it be:


Note from the Author or Editor:
Please change "text" to "number" for both maxlength and minlength entries.

Anonymous  Jul 05, 2018  Aug 03, 2018
Page 216
Middle of page

<h1>An Inline Frame</h1>

<iframe src=”glossary.html” width=”400” height=”250” >
Read the <a href=”glossary.html”>glossary</a>

The “Read the” and “glossary” do not appear in the image below it and this should probable be removed, unless you fix the image to include it.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is NOT errata. The line of content inside the <iframe> tags is fallback content that gets displayed if the iframe is not supported. The image is correctly displaying the glossary.html file.

However, I could make this more clear by adding a second sentence to the figure caption for Figure 10-1. There is room on the page for more text. Be sure it does not push content onto the next page. Please update the figure caption to read (make sure both "iframe" are in Literal, fc style):

Inline frames (added with the iframe element) are like a browser window within the browser that displays external HTML documents and resources. If the iframe element is not supported, the content within the iframe element displays instead (not shown).

Anonymous  Jul 16, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 224
Bottom section (the Flash Video Fallback aside)

The sentence "It is a bit dated, but I'm sure would be helpful, balanced with your up-to-date browser support knowledge" should probably read "It is a not dated, but I'm sure IT would be helpful, balanced...".

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Please insert "it" between "sure" and "would" in the noted sentence.

Logan Schelly  Jul 03, 2020  Oct 16, 2020
Page 224
3rd paragraph, 3rd sentence

The following example provides a video clip in the souped-up WebM/VP9 format for supporing...

Typo: supporting

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please change "supporing" to "supporting" as noted above.

Jen  Apr 12, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 230
Last paragraph, 2nd to last line of script


Missing semicolon: my_canvas.strokeRect(0,0,200,225);

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Please add a semicolon as described above.

Jen  Apr 12, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 247
1st paragraph, 3rd sentence

For example, the h1, h2, p, ...

Typo: extra space before p

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Please delete the extra space before the "p" in the first paragraph as described above.

Jen  Apr 17, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 248
Figure 11-7

Replace Figure 11-7. I will email the updated figure to Kristen and Ron. It is also in the LWD PRODUCTION Dropbox folder.

(Issue, it should be "sans-serif" not "sans serif")

Jennifer Robbins
Jennifer Robbins
Oct 26, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 250
The bottom paragraph

“In this scenario, paragraph text will be green because (it is) the last rule....”

The 'it is' needs to be added.

Anonymous  Jul 16, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 251
Declaration in STYLE DOCUMENT

h1 { color: red }

Typo: no semicolon after declaration:
h1 { color: red; }

A semicolon is not required but good to have for:
1. Consistency of coding
2. Reinforcing the NOTE on p.243, "...get into the habit of always ending declarations with a semicolon. "

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please add a semicolon after "red" as described above.

h1 { color: red;}

Jen  Apr 17, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 253
Sidebar CSS Units, Absolute units, pc, second sentence

pc picas (1 pica = 12 points or 1/6 inch). Points are a unit commonly used in print design.

Typo: Picas are a unit commonly used in print design.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Please change "Points" to "Picas" in the description for pc as suggested abovel.

Jen  Apr 18, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 256
7th and 8th rows from the top

header {
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh; }

It’s also easy to specify a unit to be a specific percentage of the window size, such as 50%:
img {
width: 50vw;
height: 50vh; }
Logically, it should be

width: 50%;
height: 50%; }

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is not an error because the section is about vw and vh units, but the line of text introducing the second code example on the page could be clearer. Change to:

"It's also easy to use vw and vh units to set the width and height of an element to a percentage of the display size, for example to the equivalent of 50%:

Ulad Slabin  Jan 26, 2021  Dec 10, 2021
Page 268

“I want a fancy font for the “Black Goose Bistro, Summer Menu”.

The “,” comma needs to be removed between "Bistro" and "Summer".

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. On page 268, remove comma between Bistro and Summer in the first line of #3.

Anonymous  Jul 16, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 271
THE STYLES, Declaration for article elements

article {
font-size: .875em

Typo: no semicolon after declaration:
article {
font-size: .875em;

A semicolon is not required but good to have for:
1. Consistency of coding
2. Reinforcing the NOTE on p.243, "...get into the habit of always ending declarations with a semicolon."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please add a semicolon after font-size: .875em;

Jen  Apr 18, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 290
Underlines and Other “Decorations” - first paragraph

"or if you’d like to turn of the underline under links",
should be "off", i.e.
"or if you’d like to turn off the underline under links"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Second line of text on this page. Change:
"of the underline..."
"off the underline..."

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 295
Exercise 12-6, Step 1, body rule

"font-size: small;" is shown. This was set to "font-size: 100%" in Exercise 12-2 on p.273 which matches /LWD5e_materials/ch12/finished exercises/menu-ex6.html

Note from the Author or Editor:
Good catch! Confirmed. In the first code block, change:

font-size: small;
font-size: 100%;

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 314
Second to the last line (above figure 13-12), second line of code

blockquote {
...background-color: C6DE89;}

Typo: extra closing curly bracket ( } )

blockquote {
...background-color: #C6DE89;}


blockquote {
padding: 1em;
border: 4px dashed;
color: green;
background-color: #C6DE89;

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Please delete the curly bracket (}) immediately after #C6DE89

Jen  Apr 23, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 315
BROWSER SUPPORT NOTE sidebar, second line of code

h1 {

Typo: missing space after semicolon (:)

h1 {
filter: alpha...

On page 242: The made up of a property...and its value..., separated by a colon and a space."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Please insert a character space after filter:

filter: alpha(opacity=50);

Jen  Apr 25, 2023  Apr 26, 2024
Page 323
4 paragraph - description for: element[attribute~="value"]

Comment for "partial attribute value selector" description.

It is not clear that the specified value is matched against a "list of whitespace-separated values" that comprise the attribute value. This is important to differentiate this selector from the operation of the "arbitrary substring attribute value selector" (element[attribute*="any part of the value"]).

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Replace the description for "partial attribute value selector" (element[attribute~"value"] with the following (match color and font formatting of current description):

The partial attribute value selector (with a tilde,~) looks for the specified value in the list of space-separated values provided for the given attribute. This example looks for “grade” in the title attribute, so images with the title “first grade” and “second grade” would be selected.

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 349
Figure 13-38

The end of the first line in the example is missing a semi-colon. Should read:

@charset "UTF-8" ;

Note from the Author or Editor:
There should be a semi-colon after the @charset at-rule.

I have updated Figure 13-38 and will email it to production.

Paul Mason  May 16, 2020  Jul 24, 2020
Page 355
Chapter 14 through Chapter 16

For PDF purchased from

Page number at the bottom of the page is 64 instead of 355 (First page of Chapter 14 - "page 374 of 809" as per macOS Preview). Similarly on the first page of Chapter 16 (page 438 of 809) the page number jumps from 126 back to 95. On the first page of Chapter 17 the page numbers are back on track with 485.

Note from the Author or Editor:
This sounds like an error in the PDF. Could someone check that the most recent version at has the proper page numbering?

I'm marking this as "confirmed" even though I can't personally confirm it.

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Dec 10, 2021
Page 359
2nd paragraph

"and the total element widh is 540px." Should be "width"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. Change "widh" in 2nd line of 2nd paragraph to "width"

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 391
Bottom of page

The html at the bottom of page 391 does not include the p element starting with "Remove the lid...", although it is in the output on page 392.

Note from the Author or Editor:
In the code at the bottom of the page, the first line of the third paragraph is missing. Please insert the following line between "<p id="float">..." and "<p>Make sure...":

<p>Remove the lid from the mold,...</p>

Stephen Turner  Apr 23, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 402
The code just above Figure 15-16.

The code above Figure 15-16 doesn't match the description earlier. The text says that the ellipse has a 100px horizontal radius, and a 150px vertical radius. However, the code says ellipse(200px 100px at 50% 50%). I wonder if there is an error somewhere.

Note from the Author or Editor:
There is an error in the code. Change 200px to 150px in the 3rd and 4th lines

-webkit-shape-outside: ellipse(150px ...
shape-outside: ellipse(150px ...

Jenn Shiun Lee  Aug 26, 2020  Oct 16, 2020
Page 405
List of Values for position property

Add "sticky" to the end of the list of values for the position property. (Watch that character spaces around the pipe character are not in the constant width font.)

Values: static | relative | absolute | fixed | sticky

Jennifer Robbins
Jennifer Robbins
Oct 26, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 432
code example in 3rd paragraph

code example does not include the featured property
(but repeats the use of "align-items" of the preceeding examples)

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. In the first code example, change the highlighted line to:

align-content: flex-start;

Anonymous  Nov 27, 2018  Jul 24, 2020
Page 432
2nd CSS rule after 2nd paragraph & Figure 16-12

(1) The "width 25%" rule selector needs to be ".box" not "box".

(2) Figure 16-12 "flex-end" is showing "flex-start" result. For "flex-end" the lower edge of the bottom border of "9" and "10" should "dock" with the upper edge of the bottom border of the container element.

(Levendel's Axiom: "Bugs Abhor Loneliness")

Note from the Author or Editor:
1) Confirmed. Add a period before "box" in the code block just above Fig.16-12.

2) Confirmed, but this figure was fixed and replaced in the most recent reprinting.

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 432
Figure 16-12

Replace Figure 16-12 (I will email the corrected figure and it is in the Dropbox folder)

Issue: Space-between and space-around are incorrect

Jennifer Robbins
Jennifer Robbins
Oct 26, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 439
CSS rule after 5th paragraph

The "flex: 0 1 100px" rule selector needs to be ".box" not "box".

Similarly for the rule when changed to "flex: 1 0 auto;" on the next page.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. In the code example just above Figure 16-20, add a period before "box" in the first line.

.box {

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 449
Below "How Grid Layout Works"

I think there is a typo with the numbering of the process for using the CSS Grid Layout. The description starts with "3", then "4", and "5". Where are "1" and "2"?

Note from the Author or Editor:
My copy (first printing) has the process numbered "1, 2, 3", so I'm not seeing this problem. There is a chance that an earlier fixed error caused this one in a later printing, so please check the file and set the numbering to start at 1.

I'm marking this "confirmed" to trigger the inquiry.

Jenn Shiun Lee  Aug 30, 2020  Oct 16, 2020
Page 451
Under "NOTE".

The second paragraph under "NOTE": the word "includes" is mis-spelled as "incudes".

Note from the Author or Editor:
Change "incudes" to "includes"

Jenn Shiun Lee  Aug 30, 2020  Oct 16, 2020
Page 457
6th Paragraph

The grid-template-columns property has 12 column width values but there are only 10 columns in the example.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Good catch! Production, please remove one set of "20px 1fr" from the code example under the "Repeating Track Sizes" subhead (there should be 5 pairs):

grid-template-columns: 20px 1fr 20px 1fr 20px 1fr 20px 1fr 20px 1fr;

David Watson  Nov 14, 2022  Apr 26, 2024
Page 458

Replace the Warning note with the following text. Use Literal, fc for: repeat(), fr, auto, min-content, max-content, auto-fill, auto-fit, minmax()

You can only use one repeat() notation for a given declaration. You cannot use fr units with repeat(). Content-based keywords (auto, min-content, and max-content) cannot be used with auto-fill or auto-fit. Note that you can use minmax() notation inside repeat(), and you an use it with frs and content-based keywords if they are in the max position with a min length.

Jennifer Robbins  Oct 26, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 463
Last paragraph at page bottom

This final paragraph on page 463 refers to comparing the position to a {#one div} position in figure 16-36. I don't see a "#one div" in that figure (16-36). Is this referring to another illustration?

P.S. When I checked here ( a few days ago, there were tons of unconfirmed errata. Now, I see none. Hmmmm.


Note from the Author or Editor:
This is an error. In the first line of the last paragraph on p.463, delete the words "#one div" and insert (in body font, not constant width font) "header area".

ex: the position of the header area back in Figure 16-36.

Dan Packard  Jul 31, 2020  Oct 16, 2020
Page 466
First code block, third line

There should be a semi-colon (;) after main in the third line:

#three { grid-area: main; }

Note from the Author or Editor:
There should be a semi-colon as noted in the error description.

Jennifer Robbins
Jennifer Robbins
Oct 26, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 468
Exercise 16-5, step 5

Exercise 16-5: "We can fix that by changing the measurement of the fifth row track to auto."

The rule has it's **fourth** row track changed. Changing the fifth row track to "auto"" has the unfortunate side effect of stretching the footer (rather than pushing it down).

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. In the second line of Step 5, change "fifth" to "fourth".

Anonymous  Jan 02, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 531
Figure 18-11 third image

While the image is labeled as "transform: skew(15deg, 30deg);" the appearance is more consistent with "transform: skew(-15deg, 30deg);"

Thank You for providing the figures to experiment with!

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed, however the code should stay the same and the figure should be replaced. When it is time for a reprint, see me for the replacement figures for the book (vertical) and the ebook (horizontal version).

Anonymous  Jan 04, 2019  Jul 24, 2020
Page 535
Last rule on the page

The official "perspective" property requires units, so it should be "perspective: 600px;"

The prefixed "-webkit-perspective" property doesn't seem require units which is why Figure 18-16 still works with LWD5e_materials/ch18/figures/transitions.css even though "perspective: 600;" is marked as an "invalid property".

Note from the Author or Editor:
This errata is confirmed. The section on 3-D transforms (carried over from 4e) references the old version of the spec from 2009. This will require a fair amount of rewriting and figure replacement--more than I can do on this errata page.

O'Reilly production folks, let me know if we should fix something of this scale in a reprint or make a note for the next edition. If we fix it, let's arrange another method for me to submit the new material.

For readers who may be looking through errata, the description of the problem is well stated in this submission. More details can be found on the MDN site (

Anonymous  Jan 04, 2019 
Page 550
2nd paragraph

The online materials makes reference to:

In the section:
<label for="sizes">Size:</label>
<select name="size">

The label appears to indicate it should be associated with an element with the ID "sizes", but the select item does not appear to have an ID attribute. Is this an error or is my understand of the for attribute incorrect?

Note from the Author or Editor:
There is a missing ID on the <select> element. This error occurs in the materials file, not in the book, so I will make the correction and upload the new file. No action needed by O'Reilly production.

Lee Buckland  Jan 20, 2020  Jul 24, 2020
Page 606
Code example after "Here's an example of a for loop in action"

In the first line of code, there is an equals (=) sign missing after the <. It should read i <=2;:

for( var i = 0; i <= 2; i++ ) {

Note from the Author or Editor:
Yes, please insert an equals sign just after the < (note there is a char space between the = and 2).

for( var 1 = 0; i <= 2; i++) {

Jennifer Robbins
Jennifer Robbins
Oct 26, 2018  Nov 30, 2018
Page 738
Chapter 4, answer to 4a

The question 4a is, what is wrong this this element:

<img "birthday.jpg">.

The answer given is that it is missing the src attribute. However, earlier in the book (p. 65, 1st paragraph), it is states that the alt attribute is also a required in every image element. Thus, shouldn't the complete answer be that the src and alt attributes are missing?

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed. On p. 738, change the answer to 4a to:

a. The src and alt attributes are missing: <img src="birthday.jpg" alt="">

Andrew Raibeck  Oct 30, 2020  Dec 10, 2021
Page 761
Top; Chapter 9 answers

3. a. The type attribute is missing.

According to MDN the "type" can be absent - it will simply be assumed to be "text".

However the intent behind "Your country here." (p.208) seems to be that of a "placeholder" rather than "value".

Note from the Author or Editor:
[Note: this error seems to be on page 742 in the print book.]

I agree that this is a misleading question because the type attribute *is* optional. I think the best thing to do is delete the question 3.a on page 208 and delete the answer on page 742. Renumber remaining Q&A to a. through d.

Anonymous  Oct 17, 2018  Nov 30, 2018