
Raspberry Pi Cookbook

Errata for Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Second Edition

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xii
first paragraph

Links on page xii and xiii go nowhere

Note from the Author or Editor:
The hyperlinks don't work on these pages of the PDF version. This is a fault with production not the content.

Rileyctr  Jun 16, 2016 
Page 31
2,3 Setting a Static IP Address

The process listed no longer works for the current version of software.

Note from the Author or Editor:
OK - this is a major change to this recipe. I'd suggest this needs to wait for the third edition, for a proper fix and for now, the following is added at the start of the Solution section:

Note that recent changes to Raspbian mean that the method below may not work. Please see: for an alternative approach.

John Clark  Nov 10, 2016 
Page 39
Second paragraph from bottom (beginning "If you have an older version..."), line 1

For "raspi_config" read "raspi-config".

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is correct please change to 'raspi-config' as they say.

Richard Odland  Jan 11, 2017 
Page 43
Third paragraph from bottom (beginning "If you have Windows 7..."), first line

For "RPD" read "RDP".

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is cortrect.

Third paragraph from bottom (beginning "If you have Windows 7..."), first line

Change "RPD" to "RDP".

Richard Odland  Jan 11, 2017 
Page 62
Next to last paragraph

"This will create a copy of myfile.txt in /tmp with the same name of myfile.tmp."

Should read:
"This will create a copy of myfile.txt in /tmp with the same name of myfile.txt."

Note from the Author or Editor:
Next to last paragraph.

"This will create a copy of myfile.txt in /tmp with the same name of myfile.tmp."

"This will create a copy of myfile.txt in /tmp with the same name of myfile.txt."

Iowan  Aug 17, 2017 
Page 163, 164
almost last line on page 163 and the second line on page 164

Concerning the book:
Raspberry Pi Cookbook, Second Edition from Simon Monk ISBN: 978-1-491-93910-9

The almost last line on page 163 is:
>>> f = open('mylist.pickle', 'w') must be:
>>> f = open('mylist.pickle', 'w'b')

The second line on page 164 is:
>>> f = open('mylist.pickle') must be:
>>> f = open('mylist.pickle', 'rb')

Refer also to the Errata of the book:
Programming the Raspberry Pi Getting started with Python second edition also from Simon Monk ISBN: 978-1-25-958740-5
On these pages in this book the same error is printed on pages 80 and 81

Note from the Author or Editor:
This is fixed in the 3rd edition.

P. Sonneville  Jan 03, 2019 
Printed, PDF
Page 190
"Discussion" section

Describing how two images are compared when detecting motion, it states "When the first image is subtracted from the first..."

It should say, "When the first image is subtracted from the second..."

Note from the Author or Editor:
The reader is exactly right - change "When the first image is subtracted from the first ..." to "When the first image is subtracted from the second ..."

Anonymous  Feb 04, 2017 
Page 425
Under "See Also" - 3rd line - right edge

"and i Recipe 15.6"

should read
"and in Recipe 15.6"

Note from the Author or Editor:
Under "See Also" - 3rd line - right edge

"and i Recipe 15.6"

should read
"and in Recipe 15.6"

Iowan  Aug 24, 2017 
Page 454
Bullet List of Required Parts


16.9 Controlling a Servo Using PyFirmata


You want to control the position of a servo motor by using an Arduino.


Use PyFirmata to send commands to an Arduino to generate the pulses necessary to control the position of a servo motor.

To make this recipe, you need:

*Arduino Uno
*Breadboard and jumper wires
*1k resistor - error (not shown in wiring diagram, not needed for recipe)
*LED - error (not shown in wiring diagram, not needed for recipe)
*Servo motor - error (not listed in parts list, but shown in wiring diagram)
*5V power supply - error (not listed in parts list, but shown in wiring diagram)
*Terminal Block to barrel adapter - error (not listed in parts list, but shown in wiring diagram)

Note from the Author or Editor:
In the 4 bullet points at the bottom of page 454:

Change the second bullet point to read: "Servo Motor (see "Miscellaneous" on Page 477)

Change the third bullet point to read: "5V power supply (see "Miscellaneous" on Page 477)

Change the fourth bullet point to read: "Terminal block to barrel adapter (see "Prototyping Equipment on Page 474)

Dan Kiviaho  Nov 08, 2016