
Think Java

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page 17
3ed paragraph

compiled instead of complied

Note from the Author or Editor:
Nice catch, thanks!

Anonymous  Jul 26, 2017 
Page 36
4th paragraph

The modulus operator should not be "escaped" in DocBook. The original LaTeX source has \java{x \% y}, but it renders as "x \% y" in the printed version. We need to find and replace all five instances of \% in the O'Reilly version.

Chris Mayfield
Sep 14, 2016  Apr 21, 2017
Page 108
sum method

The sum method should return double.

Chris Mayfield
Jun 21, 2016  Apr 21, 2017