
Sinatra: Up and Running

Errata for Sinatra: Up and Running

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Other Digital Version

Wrong text in Figure 2.2. (Duplicate of the text in Figure 2.1)

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed, resolved in the next edition

Peter Hellberg  Dec 20, 2011 
Other Digital Version
1st paragraph

Paragraph states..

If you visit this page in a browser, refreshing will not update the time displayed on the

But using the code in exmaple 2.29, the time on the page does update, after refreshing the browser.

OK, I accept this is minor and possibly picky, but I found it, and always good to feeback.


Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed; the language should reflect that subsequent requests hit the cache.

Scott Russell  Jan 28, 2012 
Other Digital Version
3rd paragraph on Cookies

In the Kindle version of the book in the Cookies section on 3rd paragraph there's a typo. The text reads:

deleting is accomplished in similar fashion using repsonse.delete_cookie.

And should be:

deleting is accomplished in similar fashion using response.delete_cookie.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed, resolved in the next edition

Fabio Utzig  Dec 22, 2011 
Other Digital Version
exmaple 3.8

The case statement is missing its `end` keyword which causes a syntax error.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed, resolved in the next edition

Scott Russell  Jan 29, 2012 
Other Digital Version
1st paragraph in Middleware section

The text says "you may recall we used a rackup file in Chapter 1 to deploy code to Heroku", but deploying code to Heroku had not been mentioned at all up to this point.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed, this was from an old draft and has been removed in the next edition.

Gar Morley  Jan 22, 2012 
Other Digital Version
FIgure 3-3

Figure 3-3 shows a picture that appears to show the output of example 3-10, but in fact it shows the output of example 3-9. This would be more informative if it actually appeared before example 3-10 and after 3-9.

Scott Russell  Feb 03, 2012 
Page 61
Example 4-22

Using Ruby 1.9.3p258 and Sinatra 1.4.0 the example for capturing subclasses as middleware will overflow the stack on first request.

Per an earlier errata post: "suspect this occurs because the subclasses inherit themselves as middleware from ApplicationController."

John Ferguson  Mar 20, 2013 
Other Digital Version
paragraph before figure 4-1

"Taking a look at lib/sinatra.rb, shown in Figure 4-1,", Figure 4-1 acutally shows lib/main.rb.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed, resolved in next edition.

Scott Russell  Feb 04, 2012 
Page 76
3rd paragraph

In the PDF:

Example 4-14. views/not_fosvund.erb

it should be:

Example 4-14. views/not_found.erb

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed, resolved in next edition

Ismael Marin  Dec 10, 2011 
Other Digital Version
Example 4-16

Example 4-16. controllers/example_controller.rb - this should be "views/example.erb", as example 4-15 has the used this name already.

Note from the Author or Editor:
You are correct; this has been addressed and will be resolved in the next edition.

Scott Russell  Feb 05, 2012 
Other Digital Version
1st paragraph

"Now the real question is how to run it." - oK, maybe this is just me, but for a newbie it is probably not obviouls that you need to run it using "rackup -p 4567 -s thin". Would be nice if this was explicitly stated.

Note from the Author or Editor:
Confirmed; the language has been adjusted in the next edition.

Scott Russell  Feb 05, 2012 
Page 1674
Example 4-23

"run Rack::Cascade, [Foo, Bar]"
get an argument error. It should be
"run [Foo, Bar]

Kyo Endo  Mar 12, 2013