
Access 2010: The Missing Manual

Errata for Access 2010: The Missing Manual

Submit your own errata for this product.

The errata list is a list of errors and their corrections that were found after the product was released. If the error was corrected in a later version or reprint the date of the correction will be displayed in the column titled "Date Corrected".

The following errata were submitted by our customers and approved as valid errors by the author or editor.

Color key: Serious technical mistake Minor technical mistake Language or formatting error Typo Question Note Update

Version Location Description Submitted By Date submitted Date corrected
Page xv
4th paragraph

Under the heading 'About the Creative Team' in the 3rd paragraph after the name 'James Turner' the text '(technical reviewer)' is repeated i.e. '(technical reviewer)(technical reviewer)'.

Easy to miss if you have been staring at the same words for months. I wouldn't normally bother worrying too much about such minor errors but it is a bit in your face as it is in a place that a lot of people will read first. Given I like the book I thought I'd point this one out.


Neil Bensley  Aug 30, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page xv
1st paragraph, 2nd sentence

"word of Excel" should be "world of Excel"

Nan Barber
Sep 16, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 36
Table 1-1 Tiltle / description

Table Tile / description reads as "Keys for Moving Around Datash", should be "Keys for Moving Around Datasheet"

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 36, table 1-1 caption, "Datash" should be "Datasheet"

ZedBee  Mar 26, 2012 
Page 37
Last row in table 1-2

Ctrl+Alt+Space is only of use if you have changed the default value and want to go back to it. You don't want to give the impression that you have to use Ctrl+Alt+Space to get the default value in the first place.

So how about "Reinstates" rather than "Inserts"?

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 37, Table 1-2, last row, second column, change "Inserts the default value for the field." to "Replaces whatever value you've entered with the field's default value."

Mayo Marriott  Nov 10, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 72
Figure 2-14

The Field Name is ForResale, not ForSale.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 72, Figure 2-14 caption, first sentence "ForSale is a" should be "ForResale is a"

Mayo Marriott  Nov 10, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 80
Last paragraph in the box "Gem in the rough"

8th line of paragraph - text says:

" ... and Country ReAccess fans ... "

I think should read:

" ... and Country Region. Access fans ... "

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 80, sidebar, last paragraph, "Country ReAccess fans" should be "Country Region. Access fans"

Nick Barlow  Dec 28, 2011 
Page 100
1st paragraph

"order: MiddleInitial,FirstName,LastName" should read
"order: LastName,FirstName,MiddleInitial"

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 100, first paragraph, in second-last sentence, this:
"order: MiddleInitial, FirstName, LastName."
should be
"order: LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial."

Tom Spence  Sep 04, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 100
First Paragraph

I am suspecting that the original text was actually correct. When I try to do a multiple sort, in order to get the proper sort, I have to first sort by the last field of the desired sort (i.e. MiddleInitial in this example), then the second-to-last, then the first. For example, the original text read "MiddleInitial, FirstName, LastName" and was subsequently changed to "LastName, First Name, MiddleInitial". If I sort the second way (the way the printed book now suggests) I get the wrong sort. But if I sort in the way the original text read, the sort works as I want it to. I think the text needs to be changed back to the original.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 100, fist paragraph "LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial" should indeed be "MiddleInitial, FirstName, LastName"

Anonymous  Jun 27, 2012 
Page 108
Add a bullet, bottom half of page

There is one more way to change a word, if the correction is not listed in the suggestions, besides these three, or "Cancel" at the bottom of the next set of bullets. The way is to type what you want in the "Not in Dictionary" field, then press 'Enter' or the 'Change' button. Confirm that you want to do this and it is changed.

Another topic, from an article I read. There are times when a person should remove a word from the main dictionary. The example given was someone who persistently misspells "manager" as "manger". That person wants the spell-checker to catch it. Manuals should mention this and how to do it.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 108, at the end of the "Fix it Once" bullet point, add this sentence "Or, if you have your own correction in mind, type it into the ?Not in Dictionary? box and then click Change."

David W. Olson  Oct 07, 2011 
Page 112
Figure 3-18

In the errata, the author/editor hasn't got this quite right. There is no Character Map Window figure in my edition and as the text on page 112 says "Figure 3-18 explains the "Replace text as you type" option".

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 113, paragraph before step 2, "Either way, you'll see the same Character Map window (Figure 3-18)." should be "Either way, you'll see the same Character Map window."

Mayo Marriott  Nov 10, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 113, 114
Mid page, end of 1. step

First i should say this is a great book for starter.

Page 113, last line of the "1." step reads "Either way, you'll see the same Character Map window (Figure 3-19)". (Figure 3-19) is not a charater map window.

Page 114 on the bottom left of the "GEM in the rough" section reads "A drop-down list appears with different types of calculations (Figure 3-20)". (Figure 3-20) is not a drop-down list with different types of calculations.

I think (Figure 3-19) is missing and (Figure 3-20)on page 114 should read (Figure 3-19).

Note from the Author or Editor:
three corrections:
* p. 113, last paragraph under step 1, "the Character Map window (Figure 3-19)" should be "the Character Map window (Figure 3-18)"
* p. 114, sidebar, reference to "Figure 3-20" should be "Figure 3-19"
* p. 115, second paragraph, reference to "Figure 3-21" should be "Figure 3-20"

Anonymous  Mar 05, 2011  Aug 12, 2011
Page 131
Figure 4-11

"The phone number mask is !(999) 000-000." should be "The phone number mas is !(999) 000-0000." (Missing zero.)

Crimson Meerkat  Aug 23, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 134
4th sample bullet 99:00:00 >LL

The sample mask includes seconds while the text mentions only hours and minutes.

It seems to me that 0's and 9's work in a rather special way on times. A segment of a mask with value '99' allows you to enter an hour/minute/second less than 10 as space followed by hour/minute/second or as hour/minute/second followed by space, while a segment of a mask with value '00' makes you enter 0 followed by hour/minute/second.

So '99' does not make the segment of the time truly optional and work in the same way as the phone number and zip code masks.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 134, fourth bullet point, "99:00:00 >LL" should be "99:00 >LL"

Mayo Marriott  Nov 10, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 134
Third bulleted sample mask

The mask L0L 0L0 does not work for UK postcodes.

There are six valid formats which result in a postcode of from 6 to 8 characters.

Maybe on page 133 in Table 4-1 you should explain what optional means, namely that the placeholder has a blank value if nothing is entered.

And maybe you should bring forward the description of the limitation of input masks which is on the second line of page 136 to the Input Masks section.

Returning to UK postcodes, you can write a field validation rule to cover the six format as follows

Like "[A-Z]# #[A-Z][A-Z]" Or Like "[A-Z][A-Z]# #[A-Z][A-Z]" Or Like "[A-Z]#[A-Z] #[A-Z][A-Z]" Or Like "[A-Z]## #[A-Z][A-Z]" Or Like "[A-Z][A-Z]#[A-Z] #[A-Z][A-Z]" Or Like "[A-Z][A-Z]## #[A-Z][A-Z]"

In fact you can go further than this and replace [A-Z] by the letters which are actually valid.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 134, third bullet point, "A British or Canadian postal code" should be "A Canadian postal code"

Mayo Marriott  Nov 17, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 140
table at top of page

The table at the top of page 140 contains a few errors. The following Sample Expressions are incorrect(or the descriptions are wrong): >Date(), <Date(), >Now(), and <Now().

The Sample Expressions as explained by the description should be as follows: >=Date(), <=Date(), >=Now(), and <=Now().

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 140, Table 4-4, fifth row, second column, the expression ">Date()" should be ">=Date()"

John Cellini  Dec 12, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 200
5th paragraph

Find unmatched query wizard...You'll fins how this works on page 195.
It's not on page 195

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 215, "Find Unmatched Query Wizard" bullet point, the final sentence "You'll learn how this works on page 195." should be "You'll learn how to find unmatched records on page 213."

Anonymous  Nov 07, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 236
Table 7-6

The example for "DateDiff" function uses "w" as an argument. Table 7-5 indicates that "w" returns 1-7 only meaning day of the week. This does not make intuitive sense. Perhaps Table 7-5 does not apply for DateDiff?

Note from the Author or Editor:
two corrections on p236, in table 7-6:
* third row, third column, "DatePart(#1/20/2010#, "d")" should be "DatePart("d", #1/20/2010#)"
* sixth row, third column, "DateDiff("w", #10/15/2006#, #1/11/2007#)" should be "DateDiff("ww", #10/15/2006#, #1/11/2007#)"

Tom Spence  Dec 01, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 261
Figure 8-8

The DeleteVeryOldOrders delete query shown (as packaged in Chapter08 of Access2010TMM_missingCD) is blocked by referential integrity. Order ID 4 has a related record in the OrderDetails table (OrderDetails ID 16), and the relationship between the two tables is not configured with Cascade Delete Related Records.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 261, Figure 8-8 caption, at the end, add this text "In order for this example to work, the relationship between the Orders and OrderDetails tables must use cascading deletes (page 162). That way, when you delete an order record its associated items will be wiped out, too. (Otherwise, you'll need to create two delete queries--one to remove the records from the OrderDetails table first, and one to delete the records from the Orders table afterwards.)

jeffstraw  Mar 06, 2012 
Page 309
1st paragraph

port should be report

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 309, first paragraph, "select the port" should be "select the report"

Len Pacer  Jan 05, 2013 
Page 320
Scientific format paragraph

When it explains 4.80E+01, it is 4.8 multiplied by 10, not by 101 as it says.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 320, "Scientific" bullet point, in "multiplied by 101", the final 1 should be an exponent set in superscript. (In other words, multiplied by 10 raised to the power of 1.)

Diego Pi  Aug 19, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 404
1st paragraph, 2nd row

is: "you created advanced reports in Chapter 12"
should be: "you created advanced reports in Chapter 11"

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 404, "you created advanced reports in Chapter 12" should be ""you created advanced reports in Chapter 11" and p. 402, "In Chapter 12, you learned that a report" should be "In Chapter 11, you learned that a report"

Anonymous  Aug 15, 2012 
Page 431
5th paragraph

Omitted reference to material appearing later in book. "(tasks you'll tackle in )".

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 431, end of third paragraph after "Performing Actions ..." heading, "(tasks you'll tackle in )" should be "(tasks you'll tackle in Part Five)"

Anonymous  Aug 16, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 435
United States

Last line on the page reads:

"..... and the child field's ProductID (in the..." --> next page

"ProductID" should be "ProductCategoryID"

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 435, last line, "the child field's ProductID" should be "the child field's ProductCategoryID"

John Cellini  Feb 07, 2012 
Page 468
1st paragraph, line 3

replace last word, 'to', by 'from'

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 468, first paragraph, last sentence, change "to add a link that opens the CustomerPurchases report to the TotalsByCustomer report" to "to add the link to the TotalsByCustomer report (which opens the CustomerPurchases report)."

Mayo Marriott  Nov 11, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 469
last paragraph

When you 'try this example for yourself', it is not quite right.

Specifically, it is fine for the first customer. But if you go back to the TotalsByCustomer report and click on another Customer Id, then nothing changes in the CustomerPurchases report.

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 469, add note box at bottom of page with this text

Note: As written, this example has one minor problem. To see it, leave the CustomerPurchases report open, go back to the TotalsByCustomer report, and click a different customer link. Access won't refresh the CustomerPurchases report. To get around this problem, just close the CustomerPurchases report before you pick a new customer. Or, get your macro to call the CloseWindow action before it calls the OpenReport action, which quietly and seamlessly corrects this quirk. (Download the sample code to take a look for yourself.)

Mayo Marriott  Nov 11, 2011  Dec 02, 2011
Page 515
Bottom line of page

IsNull([Email]) should be IsNull([EmailAddress])

Note from the Author or Editor:
on p.515 and p.516, there are several occurences of "Email" that should be "EmailAddress". They are:
* end of Figure 16-5 caption "in the Email field" should be "in the EmailAddress field"
* paragraph under Figure 16-5, "Email into a" should be "EmailAddress into a" and "the Email field" should be "the EmailAddress field"
* code at bottom of 515, "IsNull([Email])" should be "IsNull([EmailAddress])"
* first paragrpah on 516, "Email is blank" should be "EmailAddress is blank"

Crimson Meerkat  Aug 18, 2010  Aug 12, 2011
Page 571
Power Users Clinic

Book reads:
"Or, you could build a table validation rule like this:
Area(LengthOfRoom * WidthOfRoom) < 1000"

Shouldn't it read: Area(LengthOfRoom,WidthOfRoom < 1000?

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 571, sidebar, second code snippet:
Area(LengthOfRoom * WidthOfRoom) < 1000
should be:
Area(LengthOfRoom, WidthOfRoom) < 1000

Dave Hoder  Apr 28, 2011  Aug 12, 2011
Page 580

Last word of the 'Note:' should be 'chapter.'

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 580, Note box, "chapt" should be "chapter."

Mayo Marriott  Dec 11, 2011 
Page 626
United States

In the Power User Clinic, the one-to-one relationship has not been given the page number (XX).

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 626, sidebar, "page XX" should be "page 171"

Christopher Ried  Mar 17, 2012 
Page 642
"Some types of information....." para. Second sentence

"Of," should read "Of course,"

PS Great book

Note from the Author or Editor:
p. 642, second bullet point, "Of, if you copy" should be "Of course, if you copy"

David Price  Dec 02, 2012 
Page 717
Last paragraph in the Sidebar

The hyperlink for this URL ( does not function correctly when clicking on it from within the PDF.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The link is correct, but it may be incorrectly linked in the PDF. Until the PDF is updated, you may copy and paste it directly into a browser.

karenshaner  Jun 24, 2010 
Page 722
1st bullet point in Sidebar

The link mentioned in this graph ( is not working when you try to click it from within the PDF.

Note from the Author or Editor:
The link is correct, but it may be incorrectly linked in the PDF. Until the PDF is updated, you may copy and paste it directly into a browser.

karenshaner  Jun 24, 2010